10 Ways to Give Back During Summer Break!

Bored? Give Back During Summer Break

Are you bored during summer breaks? By volunteering as little as 15 minutes of your time you can make a difference in the world around you!

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill

1. Animal shelters are almost always looking for extra help.  Spend some quality time with some really loving, adorable animals! Find a shelter near you by entering your zip code: ASPCA FIND A SHELTER

2. Senior Centers will almost always take volunteers, and sometimes you don't have to do anything other than say hello and listen to some pretty cool stories. But you can also read, play cards, dance, and give residents manicures...the fun is endless! 

3. Got a green thumb? Considering taking up a plot at the community garden or volunteering to help maintain the unclaimed or common areas. No community garden in your town? How about gathering your friends and getting one started? 

4. Volunteer to help with activities for kids at summer school programs, daycare centers, camps, church groups, the YMCA and more. Even if you don't think you're particularly talented, you may be able to help a child in ways you never thought, like painting a picture, reading a book, making a free throw, riding a bike, jumping rope, growing a plant and more. Check out the  YMCA's GET INVOLVED PAGE!

5. Food Bank donations decline during the summer months. Help by collecting food to give to your local Food Pantry. NATIONAL FOODBACK LOCATER

6. Have a pet that makes you smile? Consider bringing your pet to a local senior center, veteran's club or hospital to bring some joy to the residents. (Be sure to consider the demeanor of your pet, the needs of the patients, and the policy of the location before you try giving back in this way.)

7. Write a letter to our Troops: Show the men and women in our armed forces that you care by writing them a letter thanking them: A MILLION THANKS-SEND TROOPS A LETTER  

8. Serve dinner at a homeless shelter: Volunteer at a local homeless shelter to prepare and dish up a meal for those without a home any time of the year. Find a local shelter at: NATIONAL HOMELESS SHELTER DIRECTORY 

9. Deliver a hot meal to those who aren’t able through a local Meals on Wheels program.  Find a local Meals On Wheels Program at: MEALS ON WHEELS PROGRAM LOCATOR

10. Looking for some other ways to give back to your community? Head to VolunteerMatch.org to find opportunities closest to you. You might be surprised how many ways there are to give back right in your neighborhood!

Too much downtime? Try these 10 Ways to Beat Boredom!

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