There is so much confusion around the addiction of cutting. It's hard for some people to understand why you, or someone you know, would repeatedly harm themselves on purpose. I want to break through the confusion and help those who practice cutting as a way of life. I've heard a lot of people say, why would anyone do such a thing as purposely cause pain to their bodies? So, let's begin to uncover the reasons why so many people cut themselves.
Most People Cut to Cover an Even Deeper Emotional Pain
As I have talked with hundreds of people that self-harm, one major reason emerges over and over again: Most people cut themselves to try to cope with an even deeper emotional pain. If you or anybody you know is cutting, please understand cutting is a way of covering something much deeper and painful going on inside.
Cover Self-Hate
An anonymous blogger put it this way: I used to cut because I felt like it was the only way to feel something other than the hurt and confusion and self-hate that was driving me insane. I would cut because I hated myself so much that I wanted to tear myself to pieces.
Cover Past Trauma
Most cutters' ability to cope with life is overwhelmed by powerful emotions or extreme pressure that seem too intense to bear. Jenessa said she's been a cutter for 7 years. I was sexually abused by someone very close to me. I started cutting because I always thought that what happened was my fault. I have never gotten over it, so I used to cope with any problem I had by cutting. Taking it out on myself was so much easier than figuring out what to do emotionally.
Can't Express Emotional Pain
When these emotions aren't dealt with, tension builds up. Cutting can feel like a release of this tension. Rachel said cutting is a way for her to deal with her pain: It's an escape from reality. No matter how temporary it is it's a relief to escape all the pain.
Most cutters struggle to express their pain to others. Without the words or outlet to express their emotional pain, they give into a short cut, a destructive physical expression toward themself. Laken said cutting is her first reaction when she feels disappointment or difficulty. When I fail a test, when I get in a fight, when I am called a mean name, or when anything bad happens the first thought is to cut. It is horrible and I always fall back on it.
The physical pain has a calming effect on her more agonizing emotional pain. Cutting is the treating of one pain with another. A cutter's life is one of the choices between one kind of pain or a much greater one. Amy said: It feels good when you have physical pain to take away from your emotional pain.
Avoid Dealing with Deep Feelings
The problem with self-injury as with any addiction, is that by harming yourself you never really are able to confront your deepest feelings. Perhaps that is you. You are using cutting to try to cope with an even deeper emotional pain. It is hard to say no to something that feels so good. But in the end, cutting will fail you every time.
Don't lose hope. There are healthy ways to deal with your emotions and to stop cutting for good. Check out these helpful resources on self-harm from TheHopeLine.
If you or someone you know is struggling with self-harm, check out TheHopeLine's free eBook.
im 12 i cut i need help closure i feel alone in the world im worthless there is this one kid that reminds me im not but hes gone he committed suicide and my only closure i had left me alone to fight this fight i feel weak if anybody reads this help me get out of this dark hole...
You are worth the time and effort someone put into to bringing you into this world it is big and is scary but it also holds some of the greatest gifts you will ever see if you just hold on there is light atop the dark hole im sorry you lost your friend but im sure they weren't the only who care about you please keep seeking help your life is valuable and has worth
Articles like these are what have gotten me interested in psychology, I have never done self harm but I have felt the worst kinds of pain and loneliness, if you are cutting, please know that it won't make you feel better forever. And while you may feel like you're worthless or no one cares, know that I care. I love you, whoever you are, because you mean something, you wouldn't be here if you didn't. 🙂
Don't hate me for saying this, but I have always had trouble understanding for feeling sympathy for people who do self harm. But I feel incredibly empathetic for their pain and suffering and it's articles like these that are really helping me understand and bringing me closer to those who have been cutting. I have never cut but I understand the suffering and can help others who have as well. Thank you.
I still don't get it. I actually have no reason to cut I just did it untold myself it was for the expirence but then I started doing it when I was frustrated, sad, etc. I even smile sometimes which I figured is really akward.
My name is Ian and... I struggle with coping with a lot of overwhelming pain and worry and stress. I don't really know how to cope with it and it's probably not healthy... But for those who cope by cutting... Well I at least want to help someone where I can. Just sleep. Take a nap. Whenever I get angry, worried, cry, sad, anything negative or overwhelming... Just sleep. And while you're asleep... You don't have to put up with it. It's all over. All the stress, all the emotion, just darkness. And as depressing as that may sound... It's what has gotten me through a lot of extremely unbearable times. Just don't hurt yourself. Please. I had a girl who Was a very close friend of mine and she cut herself often. Went through extreme emotional pain, family problems... It sounded like it was from a horror book some of the things that happened to her. And one day... I never heard from her again. I stayed up countless nights, talking her through things, making sure I did everything to prevent cutting or harming yourself. To this day... I don't know if she is alive or not. And it haunts me. I believe it's all my fault. My shortcoming. But whoever reads this... Please don't cut. For me. Just sleep. Take a nap. Longer than shorter if you need it. It's healthier. It isn't self-harm. And if anyone here EVER needs anything... I am here