My Boyfriend Cheated on Me - 6 Things NOT To Do


How to Handle Cheating

Do Relationships Survive Cheating?

Cheating often means the end of the relationship for people who are dating or married. Cheating is a violation of trust, and that betrayal is often sustained by multiple lies told over a long period of time. Since there are a lot of unhealthy patterns behind cheating, deciding to rebuild a relationship with someone who cheated on you is risky. It is important, before jumping back into that relationship or pursuing a new relationship, to understand the impact cheating has had on your view of relationships, your own self-esteem, and your ability to trust people. This will likely take time to explore and understand, and the guidance of a counselor or mentor is helpful if you feel overwhelmed.

If you have cheated on your partner, and they found out, it is important to apologize and ask for forgiveness. But remember: pressuring your partner to take you back is not a kind or loving choice. They will need time to heal, and you will need time to understand the impact of your own choices. Whether you were cheated on, or you cheated on someone, you are not doomed to repeat history. With support, you can grow and move forward with a healthier understanding of yourself and your relationships. 

Reactions to Cheating

Have you been cheated on? How did you react? Was it an emotional rollercoaster rotating between rage, disbelief, and grief? I imagine at one point or another all of  these thoughts crossed your mind:

"How didn't I know? How could I be so dumb?"

"I hate them."

"I need to make that no-good cheater pay, and I have several ideas about how to do that."

"Am I really that worthless that he/she would hurt me like that?"

"I need to find a guy/girl who appreciates me, right now!  I deserve better. And I need to make them jealous."

"I miss him/her so much. How am I going to live without them?"

It is always painful when relationships come apart. But when cheating is involved it is usually far more painful for one person than the other, and cheating makes a painful situation so much worse.  It leaves a person feeling completely disrespected. The ability to trust can be lost.  It is rejection on a whole different level.

So, what do you do if you've been cheated on? How do you get past the pain and get on to the next part of your life?

Let's start out with a few things you SHOULD NOT do.

Six Things Not To Do When You've Been Cheated On


1. Don't waste time trying to get even.

One of the ways girls get back at their cheating ex is to spread rumors that are not true.  It might make you feel better for a little while, but in the end, you just make yourself look even more devalued. It may not seem that way to you, but it sure looks that way to everyone else. Don't lower yourself by retaliating, but say to yourself, "I'm too good for that."

Some people try to retaliate by doing something to hurt themselves. That doesn't make much sense, but it still happens. Girls have been known to date guys they do not like at all in order to get back at the guy they love.

2. Don't rebound in the same direction.

Cory wrote: Take your time moving on. Also, don't just jump into a relationship the minute you're single. Moving on takes time and drowning your sadness out by forcing yourself into a relationship might not be the best idea...Stay positive. Even try staying single for a few months to figure out what you want, who you don't want, and keep an open mind about relationships and people.

No matter how you try to cover it up, people who are cheated on almost always feel they have been disrespected, devalued, or cheapened in other people's eyes. It is a lot like that sickening feeling you get when someone makes some terribly nasty comment about you. Feeling a big hole inside that is screaming to be filled, the temptation is to quickly fill that void with another boyfriend. However, finding another boyfriend ASAP (as soon as possible) may not be the best way to find a guy AGAP (as good as possible). You might wind up in another cheating relationship.

Dawn wrote: If you want to move on to the next boyfriend and you don't want the same type of guy...#1 don't do or look in the same place u met the 1st BF. I believe deeply that before another relationship is established you must 1st be mentally, emotionally and spiritually ready because a new boyfriend no matter how great can't make u achieve that level of completeness necessary to handle the challenges of a relationship!

3.  Don't bear other people's guilt.

When people cheat, it is their decision and their responsibility. However, the ones cheated upon are often left wondering what they did wrong. When parents separate, it is the children who often wind up feeling guilty. Certainly, one person can be responsible in part for someone leaving a relationship, but in cheating, the cheater is totally responsible for his or her actions. We really never get away with anything. Ultimately, we will all answer to God for everything we do, say, and think.

4.  Don't let a bad wound fester.

Kaitlyn wrote: Well, never rush into a relationship cuz then so many things go bad and wrong and someone ends up hurt. and as for a healthy way to move on, just try to forget the guy and either relax and enjoy being single or start looking for a new guy.

Being cheated on cuts very deep. Though it may not seem so now, wounds do eventually heal. If, however, they are allowed to get infected, the infection can cause more long-term damage than the initial cut. Bitterness is the infection that causes a short-term wound to become a long-term affliction. By nursing and reviewing over and over the terrible actions of your ex-boyfriend and how terribly you were hurt, the wound festers. Eventually, that event becomes so rooted in your thinking that it shapes the way you view every other dating relationship.  So in a way, you take the infection from that cheating ex with you into every future relationship until you forgive and let it go.

5. Don't Engage in Missionary Dating.

Why do some girls continue to attract and date known cheaters? You would think that they would learn from their previous mistakes. Many times that happens because these girls have the secret desire to tame the wild man. They think they can make him a better guy. If you want danger and excitement, if you don't care about long-term committed relationships, and being cheated on doesn't bother you forge ahead. But if you are looking for love with known cheaters, then you're looking in the wrong places.

6. Don't Think You Are the Exception.

Dawn wrote:   If you want to move on to the next boyfriend and you don't want the same type of guy...don't look in the same place u met the 1st BF.

The most likely guy to cheat is the one who has done it before. So you would think girls would avoid previous cheaters like the plague. But that is far from what happens. There is always another girl willing to give them a chance.

Now there are things that can happen which will change a guy at his very core, things so dramatic that his bent to cheating and his weakness for temptation are turned into rock-solid faithfulness. But rarely will that kind of change come simply from a relationship with the next girl, not even you. Taming the cheater makes a girl feel like she is better than the girl or girls who couldn't. The most common reason that girls get involved with known cheaters is that they think that they will be the exception. Don't get too carried away with flattering words about how much better you are than his last girlfriend that he cheated on.

Do Cheaters Feel Guilty?

That’s a tough question. The short answer is: it depends on the cheater.

Here’s the longer answer:

Most people feel some guilt when they do something they know is wrong. That includes people who cheat on their romantic partners. The real question is, however, do they feel guilt or do they feel remorse?

If someone feels guilty, at the very least they understand that they’ve done something “wrong.” They hurt someone they loved. If someone cheats on you, and they claim that they don’t feel guilty, that would be a) surprising and b) a sign that they have some narcissistic tendencies that make them feel entitled to behave however they please.

Assuming that someone who cheated on you “feels bad” about it, here’s another follow-up question: do they “feel bad” because they got caught or do they “feel bad” because they hurt you and believe they made a mistake? There’s an important distinction there, since many cheating situations come to light because they’re discovered, rather than the cheater coming forward on their own. If you had to catch them, and they claim to feel guilty, does that mean as much to you as it would if they confessed to you of their own free will?

That’s where remorse comes in. Guilt is simply the feeling of knowing when you did a bad thing. Remorse is when you can recognize what you did was wrong, take responsibility for it, and are willing to do whatever you need to in order to reconcile the situation. For instance, if someone is truly remorseful about cheating, that person will apologize freely rather than defend or make excuses for their actions. They may offer to make lifestyle changes and promise to seek therapy. Their actions, not just their words, will prove that they are serious about rectifying what they’ve done.

The presence of remorse doesn’t necessarily mean that you can or should save the relationship, but it’s a necessary starting point.

The Truth is You Are Exceptional

Here's the deal, no matter how GREAT you are (and you are GREAT), the issue is with him, not you.  So please don't lose sight of your own self-worth.  If you are loving with your whole heart and treating your guy with respect, you should receive the same in return.

I hope you know how special you are.  If you are doubting yourself at all, consider this, the God of the universe can't stop thinking about YOU!

"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!" - Psalm 139:17-18

You deserve more!  You were made for more!

For more verses of hope about God’s plan for relationships, love and sex read these Verses of Hope for Cheating in Relationships.

The end of a relationship is devastating. For help read - Moving on: How to Properly Grieve and Heal After a Breakup.

Dawson McAllister
Dawson McAllister, also known as America's youth pastor, was an author, radio host, speaker, and founder of TheHopeLine. McAllister attended Bethel College in Minnesota for undergraduate work where he graduated in 1968, began graduate studies at Talbot School of Theology in California, and received an honorary doctorate from Biola University.
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309 comments on “My Boyfriend Cheated on Me - 6 Things NOT To Do”

  1. The problem of most women is that we follow unavailable men. Men that are happy where they are now. Let's stop this trend. There are many men out there that are actually looking for something more than sex. Obviously all men have sexual desires but not all of them are just looking for that. If you want to stop suffering for men than go out there and find the available men. Those who we dismiss many times and those who still exist. Value yourself, love yourself and respect yourself. Hang around the right people whatever that means for you.

    1. My man proposed to me on christmas always told me he wanted commitment then turns around texting his ex wanting to live with her and also got another woman pregnant. I dont think that honestly know what they want and they get scared knowing that someone is willing to go beyond and give everyting for them.

      1. That man is a mess. Run. He will not change until God will take a whipping to him and HE will in his own perfect time. Meanwhile love yourself because God loves you. Go get your happiness. God has it in a nice box with a pretty ribbon, with your name on it.

      2. I'm going through the exact same thing I've been with my both for 5 years 3 good years and 2 bad we have a daughter who is turning 3 and since she's been born nothing but cheating on me and now a girl is pregnant and keeping the child how did you get through it I see this was a year ago how did you heal I left him it's been two weeks now I know I'm not going back but how did you heal from this

    2. I had a relationship for 12 years .i met him when we were younger and We grew up together. When he had nothing I was there for him .but just few months later money started coming his way he found a lover and started cheating on me.i confronted him when I found out ,he denied it but his phone said it all. He sends money to her and other gifts.i found out that he has been cheating on me just because he made a little money.

  2. My bf cheated on me while we were living together. I had my suspicions, so when he said he was with his guy friend one night, I called that said friend. He said he hadn't seen him in days and his friend told me the facts about the affair. I called my bf and left him a vm that night saying his stuff would be in the hallway by noon the next day. He had the nerve to bring the girl he cheated on me with to come and help him get his stuff. Worst. Day. Ever. It's a miracle I contained myself with grace and control. Also, my now ex bf and I work together 5 nights a week and I have to witness her pick him up after our shift every night.

    1. That's alright because when a man cheats on his woman & the scumbag that he cheated with knows that you and him were in a relationship, before long he is going to do it to her. It ALWAYS happens that way. And when it happens, she will be joining this blog telling how she feels.
      Just stay lady like, smile (although it's killing you) & Pray. Someday you will be picked up too. You are in my prayers

  3. Sarah, never feel your alone. Someone somewhere has or is going through the same thing. My advice to you, with what I'm dealing with now, is to realize your worth more than I guess (ex boyfriend) deserves! Someone that truly loves you wouldn't do that. Love is God. Relationships are to bring us peace and happiness!!! Stop beating yourself up. We and I know I was till last Friday blind as a bat by our emotions. You realize and see what his done, so be the better woman, who deserves that Mr Right and cut him out of your life. Save yourself a lot of heartache, I so wish I did. But now, I've gotta forgive him, I've got to love him in a godly way or the anger and hurt will hurt me! If someone leaves you, they weren't meant to be Mr Right. I'm not sure your meaning the lady is coming over soon? Once a woman/man has has lost that trust for me now it's goodbye forever. But only you can make that discuss for your life!

    1. Just remember leopards usually don't change their spots. Just found out my fiancé has been living with another woman for the past two years. The coward couldn't tell me himself. He had her do his dirty work. On top of all that he's 60 years old. Peter Pan will never grow up. Once a cheater always a cheater. His girlfriend didn't know about me either. She accidentally found my telephone number in his phone she asked him who I was and he responded just some girl I know who every six months calls me. And that's love. Wait. I believe in karma. He will cheat on her too.

      1. do they all cheat? I am 63, and just found out my live in is cheating...getting bj's from men and maybe more. It will devestate our families if they were to know. My kids love him, and otherwise he is kind, helpful, etc. He's just a cheater, and maybe a gay cheater. I am too old to start over..

  4. my boyfriend cheated on another girl with me but I still love him and he claims to still love me I don't know what to do

    1. Was it only once? If its once maybe you can forgive him and warn him. If its more than once. Ditch him. But first, talk to him about the girl, and heck talk to the girl if you have to. Find out whats going on.

  5. my bf went& got engaged bhnd my back and I didn't know. I just stupidily continue 2 Love him until one day when I heard from his friends that he is engaged and d lady will b coming over to see him very soon. Please what should I do cos I'm terribly hurtn right now.

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