To Love or Not to Love?
A lot of people read my blogs, not because I'm such a great blogger, but because the topic touches right where we live. Just about everyone reaches out to be loved, but love is full of risks. To love is to be vulnerable and therefore easily hurt by the people we love the most. God designed us to love, for He is love Himself. For us to not love others causes a certain death deep inside of us. I received a comment this week from an anonymous person.
He said,"I have a better piece of advice: Don't ever fall in love in the first place. Just don't do it. It always leads to heartbreak and it's never worth it. If you never let yourself fall in love with anyone, then you will never have to worry about getting over a broken heart. It's as simple as that."
I DISAGREE with Anonymous. Being hurt is not the worst thing that will ever happen to us. Not to love is far worse.
So how do you get over a heartbreak that will most assuredly, at some point, come your way? I have come up with 15 ways to get over a broken heart. You can read the list here:
The list includes warnings of things to avoid and ways to move on as well as things that will help you heal. In this blog, I am expanding on steps to help you heal.
How to get over a heartbreak: 6 Steps to Healing a Broken Heart
1. Take heart. You will get through this.
Having your heart broken over a relationship is going to hurt, in part because of what heartbreak does to your brain, your body, and your mindset. You could lose your appetite, as well as your desire to do much of anything but lay in bed and ache. It is possible that you may experience shortness of breath from crying. Your ribs may ache, and your eyes may swell. It’s almost like your heart will burst. Confusion might rule your brain. You might feel as bad as you have ever felt. It seems no one can help you.
But you will get through this. There are ways to move on after heartbreak. These intense symptoms begin to subside a little bit at a time, just not soon enough for you. The problem is you may be letting this one event blind you so you cannot see the good things happening in your life. Like the old retro song goes, “I can see clearly now the rain is gone.” There is a reason there are so many songs written about a broken heart. Consider the tens of millions who have gone through what you’re experiencing. They made it and so will you. So, take heart and hold on.
2. Talk to someone who cares.
I heard someone say once that 90% of good counseling is just talking out how you feel. It’s amazing how much better you feel when there’s someone you can talk to who totally understands what you’re going through. The person you are sharing your feelings with can help you feel less alone when everything feels hopeless. It’s kind of like when a guy gets hurt on the football field injuring his knee. Two of his teammates get around him and help carry him off the field. That’s what happens when you have a broken heart. When someone is there, they can help strengthen you when you hurt the most.
The people who suffer the most from heartbreak are those who have no one to help them. The wisest man in the Bible, King Solomon, said, "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble." So, find a friend or family member, someone you can trust to keep your secrets and talk it out. You’ll be glad you did.
"Talking to someone who you know, and trust will help you greatly. A pastor or just a great friend who maybe is older than you and has more experience with heartbreaks is wonderful. They tell you how they lived and moved on and help you out very much." (Kaitlyn)
3. Allow yourself to be human and feel the pain.
One of the ways we know we are human and truly alive is that we feel pain. Going through a break-up can be very difficult. It's hard to feel such raw emotions, especially when there's no magic solution to make heartbreak go away. This proves we are human.
It is extremely important to let those raw emotions out. Find a safe place where you are comfortable and if possible, let the tears flow. It is our body’s way of ridding itself of the pain and hurt. There was a hit a while back called "Big Girls Don’t Cry" by Fergie. She’s wrong. Big girls are really healthy girls when they show emotion. Some people run from their hurts when really, they should embrace them. It’s only when we feel our pain are we able to honestly deal with it and move on. If we don’t, that pain will reappear somewhere else, usually in an unhealthy way.
"No one wants to be hurt, and when we are, our first instinct is to block it out. Unfortunately, the best ways to block something like that out is through destructive behavior like substance abuse, cutting, and the like. Even worse, the release doesn’t last, and you end up worse off than you were before." (Jonathan)
4. Take your broken heart to God.
If you're wondering how to get over the girl who broke your heart or how move on from your ex-boyfriend, you can turn to God for help. There are those who may think this bit of advice is needless. Nothing could be further from the truth. Here’s why.
You and I were created to love and be loved. When we get down to it, all we really want is to know there is someone who knows all about us and still loves us no matter what. Only God can love us this way. When we have that foundation of knowing we are loved no matter what, we can have the strength to face rejection from others. Only God can give us a deep sense of being loved because He always does, no matter what.
It says in the Bible, "I have loved you with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself." So go ahead. Tell God everything you feel about your broken heart. He is there to listen and to help heal you.
"It is very important to go to God after you’ve had a bad relationship. God is the ONLY one who will heal your broken heart." (-Osman)
5. Give yourself time to heal.
If your heart has been broken, it will take time for you to completely heal. At the time of the break-up, almost everyone thinks they will never feel normal again. But God has designed us so we will heal from wounds. It’s amazing to see how our human spirit comes back again. Some people heal faster than others. Some people’s emotions go deeper than others. The deeper your emotions, the longer it will take to heal. But sooner or later you will begin to feel alive again and you will learn to accept this new feeling. Don’t fight the healing process and you will be on your way to smiling again in no time. So be patient with yourself. You will get through this.
"The best thing in the world for a broken heart is time. It’s going to hurt for a while and some days will be better than others, but you will eventually get over the person you lost." (Lindsey)
6. Learn lessons from the experience.
It’s not if difficult things will happen to us. It is inevitable that they will. The question is can we learn from the experience? If we don’t learn, we will keep doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same response. So during this time of hurt, you might want to ask yourself some meaningful questions about your broken relationship. For example, did your relationship include these important things from both you and your partner:
- Open communication
- Sensitivity to each other's feelings
- Trust
- Ability to see things from each other's perspective
Answers to these and other questions can help you be a much deeper person, better equipped for your next relationship.
"It is always easy to remember that life goes on, no one promised it would be easy, but everything happens for a reason. And if it is something that will change your life, then let it." (Brian T.)
Also, check out my other blogs – 5 Ways to Move Forward After a Broken Heart and 4 Things to Avoid to Save You From Further Heartbreak
Hello everyone,
I waited for three half years so deeply in love with every look to this day. One day I never heard from him again. In March idll be almost a year since then and I found out he got married, not even a year apart!!! This person would say and laugh at people who got married he swore it was a piece of paper and how he’d have to know someone for ten years before getting married !!!! And here I am crying as I did the day he left me but I’m allowing myself to cry as much as I need and keep going cause I have no choice!!!! I’m still in shock it hurts all over again just when I thought I was over it!!!!
I found out that the girl I want to get married to was cheating on me. My heart is so heavy that I can't bear the site of her around me, and I love her so much
OMG ...I am just going through the worst of pain from a broken heart !!! For me ,emotional pain hurts so much more than any physical pain I have ever experienced literally feels like a part of me died on the inside !!!
I do pray to God to help me heal and hope in time the brokenness will be mended and I can learn to live and smile again !!!
Somehow God will show me the way back into the light and out of the horrible darkness I find myself in !!!
I also hope that I have finally learned my lessons since this is not the first time for me !!! I must go deep within to find out why I have been with the same kind of men to brake the pattern of falling in love with the wrong men ...different names ,different faces but the same personality!
Very charming in the beginning but once I love them ,they become demanding and abusive !!
I’m sure many of you can identify with my story !
And please never fall in love with a person over the Internet on social media because then you really have no idea who you are dealing with !!!
Wow. This spoke to me. I tend to fall for men who are genuinely great people but only in it with me half way. I’ve learned to take real slow. I let my emotions get ahead of me. God wants ALL the pieces of my heart. Whole and broken. I’m learning so much that I let God be the author of my love story He will take me to heights I could never imagine. Plus, He guards me, guided me, tells me I’m loved no matter what. I will pray are precious
I met this girl in high school and we liked each other. We flirted alot non verbally. She always talked to lots of other guys and I never really trusted her. But nonetheless I fell in love with her and I thought she could be faithful to me. I asked of she felt the same and she said no but she still wanted to be friends and kept flirting with body language. Every time I asked her if we could possibly me more she said no and yet still stuck around. Later on she took a trip to another state with a friend. During that trip she slept with her friend's brother and started a relationship with him even though they live many miles apart. She kept it from me until her friend finally told me. I was devasted. I thought this girl was just waiting for the right time to tell me. But instead she's decided to play with my heart. I moved on but them she called me up again after she got dumped. I talked to alot of psychics about her and they said we would be married and have children. But this girl never apologized and insists she has done nothing wrong. It is the hardest thing ever to let go of someone you love but they only take you for granted. Unrequited love rules over me and the battle to let her go is one I will remember for a long time
Wow. That’s tough. I’m sorry she mislead you. I’ve learned being open and honest at the beginning, slowing allowing a person in is the best way to approach any relationship. I ask a man what his attention are with me upfront. I always appreciate it when they are honest. Time will reveal a persons true character. Take it ez and love yourself.
I cought my boyfrind in bed with another woman..after a 7years old relationship..we hv a 4 years baby boy