Falling In Love with Your Best Friend - What to Do?

What to Know About Falling in Love

What Causes Someone to Fall in Love?

"Falling in love" is what drives the romances we read about or watch in our favorite shows and movies. But what does it really mean to fall in love with someone? Falling in love happens when you have strong feelings of admiration and attraction to someone you care about. It is easy, when you are new to a relationship, or new to these feelings, to see the best about a person easily. You probably prioritize the time you spend together, and share lots of time, gifts, and affection with them. Falling in love is often a joy, and it can be part of what points you toward the person that's right for you. But it's important not to rely on strong feelings of attachment alone when making decisions about dating and marriage. You want to be sure, if you feel like you're falling in love with someone, that you share compatible beliefs about life, about priorities, and about spiritual things. You want to commit to someone only if they are respectful of you, your needs, and your boundaries. And if you feel "out of love", it may not be a sign of the end of your relationship. Depending on your reasons for falling out of love, you may be able to rekindle warm feelings by getting support and talking through your relationship. 

Friendships are one of life's greatest joys. Finding someone we can share our heart with -- someone who understands and accepts us just the way we are is priceless. When we can have a deep friendship with someone from the opposite sex, it is a tremendous gift. There is so much to learn and respect about both genders. But at times these opposite-sex friendships can also be a great challenge. One of the most exciting, but frightening, barriers a friendship faces is when one person falls in love with their best friend of the opposite sex. The feelings are can be intense, and the fear of revealing them can be paralyzing.

Is dating your best friend worth the risk?

You’ve probably heard the popular saying: “Marry your best friend.” Why then is it so darn stressful to figure out whether or not to date your best friend? On one hand, the prospect of a romantic relationship with someone you already share a deep bond with can seem like a dream come true. But… What if it doesn’t work out? It’s an idea with its fair share of risks and challenges that should be carefully considered.

Dating your best friend could mean that you’d be starting your romantic relationship ahead of the game, with a foundation of trust and understanding that already exists. You know each other's quirks, preferences, and values, which can lead to a pretty seamless transition from bestie to BF or GF. That kind of  familiarity can create a strong emotional connection, since you're not starting from scratch in getting to know each other.

What’s the catch? The fear of ruining a cherished friendship. You won’t just lose a partner if things go wrong, you might lose or irreparably damage the friendship. Two heartbreaks in one go.

Dating a friend could also change the dynamics in your social circle. It could be tons of fun for your friend group when you get together, but if you break up, mutual friends might feel awkward or forced to pick sides. Instead of losing one friend in the breakup, it’s possible that you could lose several, or that your friend group will never feel quite the same way.

All that said, there’s a difference between being cautious and wise about such a big decision, and letting your fear make your choices for you. Consider this question: what if it does work out? Does the potential of finding a deeper love with a person you already know and trust outweigh the potential for heartbreak? Will you be okay with your decision, years from now, if you let fear keep you from taking a chance on something that could be beautiful? Check out this reminder to be brave from Joshua 1:9.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

We’re not meant to let fear dictate our decisions. Dating your best friend can be worth the risk if your bond is strong and you’re both committed to making it work. The transition from friendship to romance requires careful consideration and open communication. Of course there are potential pitfalls, but the reward of finding love with someone who knows you deeply can be a beautiful and fulfilling experience.

The Gut-Wrenching Challenges to Secretly Loving Your Best Friend

Laura reveals the gut-wrenching challenges she's facing being secretly in love with her best guy friend: It's been really hard because sometimes it seems like he likes me and sometimes it seems very obvious that we're just friends. It's torn my heart up on several occasions. I'm currently trying to get over him, because it's just too hard to love him from a distance. I don't want to lose our friendship as we've been through a lot together in the years we've known each other, but I'd rather save my heart for someone who I know is going to give me his heart fully in return.

It's okay to have feelings of love because of the trust you share with your best friend, but that doesn't necessarily mean you are in love. But it does mean you have the ingredients to develop awesome love which could turn into a great marriage. Someone once said great friends make great lovers. The longer you're friends, the more stable your relationship is going to be.

A lot of good friends can do things that romantic partners cannot. Friends usually say what they need to say to each other without fear, and good friends are more likely to be spontaneous with their activities.

Two Warnings if  You Think You Are In Love With Your Best Friend

When you start to feel you desire more than just a casual friendship with your best friend and you're not sure what to do next, let me offer you some advice that could strengthen both your relationship and your love for each other.
First, don't rush into a romantic relationship with your best friend. Many times, people confuse love with that other kind of caring love you feel for all of your other friends.

Second, don't spill your guts right away. You might feel like you have to share all your thoughts and feelings with the other person as soon as you start to feel something. That's usually a mistake.

Javier agrees: This girl and I have known each other for nearly seven years and we have been close friends for about three. Eventually, we did start liking each other and we went out for a month and a few weeks. After that relationship ended, I didn't feel very hurt or sad. It was odd. I found myself being freer and I got to thinking: Don't rush into [a romantic] relationship with your best friend...many times people confuse love with that other kind of caring love you feel for all of your [other] friends.

Find another good friend you can trust—someone with whom you can verbalize your deep emotions about your best friend with whom you are in love. This other friend will help you continue to show the self-control of letting a good friendship grow into an even deeper friendship. Hold your emotions and get them out in a healthy way with another friend. Why chance ruining a good thing, at least for now?

Friendship IS the start of a Real Romance

On the other hand, after you've been a good friend with him/her for some time, you should be able to read their moods. You should be able to get some sense as to whether or not the friendship has developed into more of a romance for him/her, as well as yourself. If you see these signs, you might want to begin to talk about them with the good friend you so deeply love. After all, good friends should be able to talk about nearly anything.

I think Jane has a great perspective: The only time I would recommend someone reveal their feelings is if they are SURE it is mutual. A really honest friendship will often develop into love without any conscious effort. And if he doesn't love you, isn't having a REAL, HONEST, CARING guy friend better than a boyfriend who might leave you at any moment? Friends are people who you don't have to constantly worry about leaving you for no reason. And if he cares for you and stands up for you, he already loves you in a way already. 

First and foremost, good friends should know how much each person values the other. We make the mistake of demanding that many of our relationships be all or nothing romantically. Whether the person you are in love with ends up marrying you or not, you have had the joy of experiencing real love.

Real Love

Real love is rich, pure, and self-sacrificing. To experience that kind of love with anyone is a priceless gift.

This is how the Bible describes true love: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

Isn't that awesome? This verse also describes how God loves YOU!  Trust God as He shows you whether your best friend will become your life's partner. You may want to pray to God for guidance in this relationship and even have others pray for you.

Still wondering if it's really love or friendship?  Read: How to Know if it's Really Love. 

Dawson McAllister
Dawson McAllister, also known as America's youth pastor, was an author, radio host, speaker, and founder of TheHopeLine. McAllister attended Bethel College in Minnesota for undergraduate work where he graduated in 1968, began graduate studies at Talbot School of Theology in California, and received an honorary doctorate from Biola University.
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240 comments on “Falling In Love with Your Best Friend - What to Do?”

  1. OK so i love my best friend and he said he loves me but he has been on and off about his feeling like he said that he is confused about if he should date this girl Madison or me and I said you no ily and I would what for u as long as I can he said if we date that I have to promise I would still be there for him I said of course but the bad thing is I feel like oove him more than anyone in the world but he is my sisters ex bf what should I do

  2. I'd really like some advice on this topic. I'm in that place, where I have a friend I've known for six years, and a year into our friendship, I started to have feelings for him. But he has feelings for someone else, and has on and off all these years. He says he will never go out with me. It's heart wrenching because my feelings for him have not changed but instead developed into something stronger... However despite people's warnings I value our friendship too much to abandon him for my own good. We've been through so much together and he still wants me in his life. He's one of the best friends I've ever had. But these feelings have caused me so much depression and anxiety, I don't know where to turn. Even prayer hasn't helped.

    1. You've been in love with him for 5 years?
      Thats a pretty long time.
      That kind of attachment is extremely rare.
      You've been friends with him for 6 years.
      Why wak out now?
      You're stronger than that.
      Just be open to meeting new people.
      It will get better.
      Maybe not today, tomorrow, or next month,
      But it will.
      I dont know abt advice, but I really hope you meet someone who makes you happy. Really happy.

      1. I am also in that situation... I have a boy best friend who i knows 9 years including this years. i have a strong feeling on him but i didn't tell him. I was really scare and nervous. I try to tell him but i really can't. I also think that he don't have such a feeling on me. How can solve this situation?

    2. I feel your pain. I am in love with mybest friend of 8 years and he married someone else. He only knew her from talking over the phone for several months and two weeks of dating because they are both from India. We were once more than friends but he decided he did not like me as more...yet we shared a bed for over half of this time. We just cuddled but for me that was enough. When he suddenly told me he was engaged it came with no warning amd I almost killed myself. I tried to run away from him but he would not let me go. He says he loves me more but it is not sexual. I have no desire to ever meet anyone else. I live for the moments and scraps of time he pays attention to me. My heart revolves around him. I will suffer for the rest of this life in pain. I will never love again. Unrequited love is hell on Earth.

      1. Rather than assume the kind of love you feel for this person, could never exist with anyone else, I think you should continue making new friends, and using your intuition as to how much to share with each. And when it's clear that you and someone else have a special kind of bond... to tentatively see where that leads. For there are others who are more like you, that you haven't met yet... and you do not want to leave your possible soulmate never having known you at all.
        Risk, so that you may gain!

    3. I am in a similar situation. I started to have really strong feelings for my best friend and after awhile I just straight told him how I felt. he did not feel the same way but I honestly think we are better friends now. we have a very honest relationship and we both want nothing but the best for eachother. as for getting past those feelings. just trust God because he has a perfect plan and he has someone out there for you. pray for your future husband because one day someone will love you and you will love them more than you ever thought one could love.

      1. Knowing what your BFF will say, will be the truth -- as they see it -- is so refreshing, isn't it? Too much of friendships, and particularly dating, include clouding certain aspects of ourselves, while highlighting others, in an attempt to make them feel a certain way. But I believe that BFF's will always find a way to integrate a new truth about the other, making the bond stronger, even if they don't feel exactly the same way, because each values the other so much, they would rather do ANYTHING to avoid losing them.

      2. See the thing is i cant see a future with anyone else apart from my bff. I could have been in multiple relationships but i know all of them would have been fake my heart is set on one person and i know that deep down itll always be set on her. Whenever she hugs me i feel uplifted, there is no where else id rather be than wrapped in her arms.

  3. I realized I was bisexual a few months ago, and the first person I told was a friend of mine who I knew was very LGBT friendly, and she took it fine. What I didn't tell her was that it was (partly) feelings for her that made me realize my sexuality. She's been dating a guy for 2 months now, and identifies as straight. For a long time, she was the only person I felt like I truly related to, I could talk to her about deep and thoughtful things that other friends would brush off or laugh at. Now, I avoid talking to her about serious things, because if our conversation becomes too deep or emotional I am afraid I'll say or do something stupid. It's not so much that I am pining for her, it's more that I have lost a great friendship and someone to talk to because of my feelings and it is very, very isolating.

  4. My bestfriend said she love me,but she fears of loosing me..she fears that f we broke up one day,things will b different..& which is im not the type of guy when it comes to her..thats why even with a 13yrs of sharing life with her & her family still we never moved forward to another stage..
    Im going crazy thinking what to tell her or what to do to show her that loosing me will never happen..
    -can someone give me advices on what to do..???

  5. I think you shouldnt hold yourself when you are falling in love with your own best friend. He/she might feel the same way but afraid to tell you in the first place.
    I am in this position right now, after 17years (!) of really good friendship. He is my bestfriend in life. We've known each other's family since University. Many sleep overs and camping, yet I did not have any feelings for him. He once did try to flirt when we were in University but I have always told him and considered him as a brother.
    Years went by, we both are geographically apart, yet still taking time to give news and update each other. Recently he came to visit and we spent great time as usual. That is when I realise that now love starts to grow inside me.
    Nothing is eternal, things evolve with time, we all grow, love grows over time. Life is short. Tell your bestfriend if you do fall in love with them. Dont play games nor wait to see if it is mutual. If he/she is your real bestfriend, irregardless how they feel about you, you should not worry nor have doubt! he/she will always be there as your friend or lover. Trust me.

    1. But you know there's always this fear of losing your friendship... And when you're a girl you will want your guy friend to be the one to confess first...in my case I am completely in love...but I don't know about him...he keeps telling me that he can't imagine life without me...and we just had a conversation concerning this in which both of us admitted that we were ready to stay single for each other cause my bf or his gf won't let us talk...and none of us have ever been in a relationship before so I'm a bit confused... I have no idea what I should do...and I really don't want it to continue this way till we get married and get settled...seriously?! Something needs to happen!!

      1. If both of you are willing to stay single for each other then just get together already! It's obvious that he loves you just as much as you love him. Argh I am so jealous!!

    2. I totally understand you I am in the Same situation my self we've been friends for 23 years and I am in a relationship right now and he comes back in my life and decided to tell me 10 years later

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