Navigating the Intensity: Love vs. Infatuation
Meeting someone who suddenly makes you feel alive and loved is very exciting! You may think no one has ever made you feel like this, and you can't help but be amazed at the chemistry, or electricity, between you and this new love. Many relationships start this way. But sadly, if you don't take the time to get to know each other before jumping into something serious, heartbreak can happen in the end.
Often these kinds of relationships built on infatuation can die as quickly as they spring up. Wikipedia defines infatuation as: the state of being completely carried away by unreasoning passion or love; addictive love. Infatuation usually occurs at the beginning of a relationship. It is characterized by urgency, intensity, sexual desire, and or anxiety, in which there is an extreme absorption in another.
The truth is this feeling of urgency and intensity or strong attraction toward another person is not necessarily a reliable indicator of whether you are in love or should immediately dive into a serious dating relationship.
The wisest man in the Bible, King Solomon, said, Guard your affections, for out of them come the issues of life. I see far too many people jumping into relationships and not guarding their affections, only to become confused, disillusioned, and devastated.
We need to keep telling ourselves the basic truths of a healthy and truly loving relationship.
How to Start a Healthy Relationship
The Best Dating Relationships Develop out of Great Friendships
Finding a meaningful relationship takes time. While you spend time getting to know someone as a friend, you can see more clearly whether they are right for you and you for them. There is no more valuable friend to a dating relationship than time. But sadly, many people want to feel that rush of emotion that makes them feel like they are in love. So, they push hard and quickly to feel that overwhelming emotion that says, I am in love. But is it really love?
Rushing into a relationship is always a mistake. Be patient with the process. Impatience is a sign of relational immaturity that will lead to an unimaginable amount of hurt.
The truth is that the best dating relationships develop out of great friendships.
Riah describes how rushing into a relationship has a lot of disadvantages, "First, if you go too far, you could get hurt mentally because of a bad breakup, and physically, you could get an STD or something. Just because a guy says he likes something about you doesn't mean you need to get into a relationship. Some guys can talk, but that doesn't mean you must fall head over heels for them. Because then you gave your heart away way too fast,t and you're open to being hurt very easily. To me, that is like settling for anything and you shouldn't settle for less than the best. Don't rush into something that you didn't even have time to think about."
People Don't Fall in Love; They Fall in Ditches
When you rush into a romantic relationship, you:
- Say things you don't mean.
- Make promises you can't keep.
- Dig a hole that's hard to get out of.
- Arouse expectations you can't fulfill.
- Trust your feelings rather than the truth.
- Find it easy to make wrong choices.
- Don't give the relationship time to grow in a healthy way.
- Keep looking for more emotional thrills and then invite the curse of boredom into the relationship, where everything normal starts to feel boring.
- End up spending too much time with the one you're dating and excluding your friends.
- Believe in the myth of love at first sight. There's no such thing. There's good chemistry at first sight, but not love at first sight. People don't fall in love; they fall in ditches.
Misplaced Hunger for Love Can Hurt You
The picture of relationships we see on television or in the movies doesn't allow us to see the time and commitment it takes to build a solid foundation. After a 22-minute episode or a 90-minute movie, we are left thinking that most romantic relationships happen very quickly, are extremely intense, and will last forever. The fact is that strong relationships develop slowly over time with much hard work and commitment.
Most people I talk to on my show are so anxious to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, sometimes just to feel loved. While it is a great thrill to meet someone you connect with or feel attracted to, don't let your hunger for love throw you into a situation that is going to distract and hurt you.
Amber is honest when she admits her need to always be in a relationship, "I'm quick to open my heart too early because I lack that something. I'm always told that I act immature in relationships, and I tend to push them over the edge. I do not trust men and I feel the need to test them to see if they will hurt me. When a girl is hurt by a male or she lives life with an absent father figure, there is a void in her soul and she searches high and low to fill it. If it even RESEMBLES a small taste of what has been missing, she grabs it, not being logical in her actions but so emotionally consumed that filling that void is all she sees."
Is 1 Month Too Soon to Say I Love You?
The big three words. They’re exciting. They’re scary. They mean a lot of things on top of their intended message, and their meaning changes depending on when, where, why, and to whom you say them. No pressure.
Ultimately, it’s an extremely personal decision to introduce them into a new relationship. There’s no right or wrong answer to when it’s the right time to say, “I love you.” The only truly wrong move would probably be to lie about your feelings to manipulate someone. So if there’s no right time to say “I love you,” how do you decide when you’re ready?
First, you need to get clear on what “love” means to you. When you’re young and a relationship is new, hormones and emotions are intense. You might be on cloud nine, enjoying every second that you spend with this person, thinking about them all the time, and staying up all hours to talk to them even when you aren’t together. That can certainly feel like love. But is it?
For you, does saying “I love you” imply “I want to marry you,” or is it more like “I want to be your girlfriend, and I expect you to ask me to the prom”? When you think of “love” in its truest form, do you think of something that’s only lasted four weeks? Or do you think about the sweet elderly couple who still hold hands in the park on their daily walks? Is love just a feeling that gives you butterflies, or is love also a decision and a commitment? When the butterflies are gone, does that mean you’ve fallen out of love? Or does that just mean that you and your partner have learned to trust and depend on each other in a healthy, stable way?
Here’s the thing—some couples get married within three weeks of meeting one another, have three kids, and build a lovely family. So, if you have done your due diligence, searched your soul, and determined that “love” is absolutely what you feel—it may be right to tell this person you love them! However… if it’s really love, there’s also no rush.
Even that couple who got married at three weeks would probably tell you the real love kicked in after they got to know each other, worked hard to foster their connection, and continually chose one another day after day. If you and this person share something special, chances are that waiting another day, week, or month to say “I love you” won’t ruin that.
When in doubt, talk to your partner. Tell them what’s been on your mind, and ask them if they have thought about what saying “I love you” means for a relationship. At the one-month mark, you and your partner may or may not be ready to say, “I love you.” Whether you say the words or not, use this time together to build a strong foundation through genuine connections and shared experiences. Have fun, treat each other with love, and the words will come when the time is right.
Just Slow Down
I have talked to thousands of young adults who keep making the same mistake over and over again. I tell myself if I can just get some of these tragic souls to slow down and get a hold of themselves, I can save them hours of unnecessary drama and needless suffering.
I would also recommend taking the time to pray to God and ask him to guide you as you consider a relationship with someone. This is an important decision that involves your heart. Solomon also said, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 God wants to guide you and protect you so ask Him!
Just remember what Jessica has to say: "Don't jump in too quick, get to know the guy first. Talk to people who know him and that will help you see the real him. Make sure he has a good relationship with his family. That can tell a lot about a guy, especially the way he treats his mother."
Are you questioning if what you are feeling is real love? Read - How to Know It's Really Love.
I have been dating a guy for 4 months. I have kids, he has kids. They have all met. My kids are not crazy about him. I don't think they are ready to have another father figure in the picture. We looked at rings this weekend and talking about our future! He is slowly moving his things into my house. We spend almost everyday together. When I get home from work, he is at my house. I am getting very annoyed with this.I just finished my divorce in March of this year. I jumped right into dating. I am feeling very overwhelmed right now. I feel like I am losing my independence. How do I tell him I want to slow things down? I want to have my own place, and he have his own place, yeah know...not sleep in the same house almost every night! I was married for over 10 years. I kinda don't want to continue with this relationship as serious as we are now. I do love him, but its just too fast!
Thanks all!
Live and learn
after reading all those stories..this just confirms my theory, that love is not that magic we all expect. it sounds like it goes beyond feeling and mind. It sounds like love is a decision to stay no matter what. Responsibility. And no matter when we fall in love, we do so because we trust in character. Love is faith.
Hi would anyone be able to give me some advice please. I have know my bf for about 1month and we have been in a relationship for a three weeks. We have rushed in both emotionally and physically. I have been in numerous long term relationship before, but never felt the way I do about my bf. He told me loves me but is not in love with me, I have told him I am in love with him because that is exactly how I feel. The only problem is we have completely rushed into our relationship and now I'm thinking of the future but he is not ready to talk about that yet which I fully understand and appreciate. However how do I slow down our relationship as it's getting a bit much for him. I'm so confused as my feelings I have for him are so strong and pure and I really don't want to ruin our relationship. We see each other nearly everyday so I know that should be reduced but when I'm not with him my head and emotions are everywhere. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
It's hard to move backwards...this may be the beginning of the end. You've gotta put more into building a good relationship than just going with the rush of emotions and hormones. A slow build also helps with figuring out if you two are even on the same page beyond sex and having the same feelings in the beginning.
I'm 16 and I know at this age I shouldn't be so focused on a relationship but I've know this guy for awhile now and I'm just stuck on the fence about what I should do. I understand I need to be patient. We've both discussed that we don't want to rush into a relationship and ruin the friendship we already have. We've been friends for a few years but back around Christmas time we both admitted our feelings for each other and we both admitted that we like each other. Around the same time he also asked me to prom. Well prom was a week ago and I had a great time. He was a gentleman and I couldn't have asked for a better night. I'm just not sure if were going to just be friends forever or eventually turn it into more than friends? Me and this boy both have the same Christian veiws. He comes from a wonderful Christian family I do as well so religious views match up which is a deal breaker for me. He overall has all the qualities I would want a potential boyfriend to have. But my problem is if I wait around paitiently to see if a relationship happens or move on? What if hes not even interested in me any more? I'm scared if I wait around I am going to be disappointed but I'm also scared if I move on that I missed a perfect opportunity with him. I'm just so confused and I need advice. I don't want to ruin our friendship because I'd rather have that then nothing at all with him.
Make sure he stays a gentleman is all I would say (former youth pastor). Keep your Christian values what they are and it should all be okay. 🙂
I suggest you could open up to him and let him know how your feeling if you are considering a relationship with him honesty is a good key trait. If it is meant to work out it will, it is good that you guys have taken the time to build a good foundation at this point all you can do is ask.
Treat each other with the some respect and deference you would a brother , look out for his best interest in that regard, and focus on living a life that pleases God and trust Him to guide you in any decisions beyond that. You are a bit young for this to be a heavy focus but I know the feels can be blinding and overpowering. Just keep your focus centered and recruit some friends and mentors in the church as accountability partners to help you keep focus and not do something you would regret. You have many more years to go, don't be so wrapped up in the idea of a boyfriend that you miss all the fun times, lack of responsibility, and pressure. The older you get, that footloose fancy free living gets harder and harder to maintain. (Unless of course you become a carnie, gypsy, or beach bum).