How to Manage Your Anger

Anger is a very powerful emotion that can take over your life if you let it, but you don't have to let it control you. Most people who feel angry just don't have any idea how to deal with it.  All of us at one time or another comes up against anger.  I asked those that listen to my show to share their experiences with anger and I received a huge response.

What Anger Looks Like

McKaela commented: When I finally snap, I just scream and throw things around. It may sound childish but it's my only way to vent without hurting the ones I love.

And sometimes we even turn to addictive substances to numb our intense feelings. Sara wrote: When I get angry I tend to lash out and drink at home.

Drizz wrote: I get angry at almost everything, to the point where I want to hurt someone badly (mainly the person that brought my anger out). In fact, anger is the only real emotion that I feel.

Drizz, McKaela and Sara have each come to the point where anger has become the controlling force in their lives. In the midst of rage, it's hard to believe you have any choice in the matter.

This is how Monica feels. She said: I get angry very often. And quite frankly I don't know how to deal with my anger. I bottle it up inside and every so often it all comes out, usually on a family member. I yell and hit. I try not to, I honestly do, but rage just beats the fact that I love them. So I lash out.

Lashing out might seem like the only option. The truth is you do have the option to not let anger take over. So what is a better way to deal with your anger? How can you stay calm when you feel like blowing up, raging, or acting out?

Try These 3 Practical Ways To Manage Your Anger

Identify what makes you angry and turn away, before the anger takes over.

Kyle wrote: I know how easily I get angry and so I can usually tell when things are going to get too bad, so I usually just get out of the situation beforehand. Kyle's on to something here. Here is aware of his own emotions and what triggers the intense anger. He is choosing to turn away before his anger hurts him and those around him.

Talk it out.

Call up a friend and ask for help. Talk to someone you trust about these intense feelings of anger, what triggers it and what you can do about it. Talking things out with a friend who cares will really help. Anna wrote: When I'm angry it helps when I have a conversation with others and they tell me about their problems and issues, so it calms me down and lets me realize everyone makes mistakes and they too deal with anger everyday.

Do something productive.

Don't just sit around and think about how angry you feel. That usually makes matters worse. Change your environment. Come up with something productive you can do when you feel angry. Haley wrote: When I get mad I clean, sing, or write.

Here are some more great ideas for how to manage anger:

Logan wrote: The best thing in my opinion is working out - it's a good way to channel your anger into something productive.

Kaley wrote: I go running, with really loud music.

Linda wrote: Riding my horse and caring for my horses keeps me centered and balanced. I am a much better person because of them.

Sarah wrote: I take a walk in the woods with my dogs and take pics with my cam - helps me every time.

Brenda wrote: I read, listen to music, and journal my feelings out, I trust God's help to get me thru things and handle my emotions better.

Emily wrote: I breathe and count to five and use my words instead of my fists. Superior intelligence beats superior strength any day.

Kaitie wrote: I write music with lyrics on how I'm feeling at that moment. I also talk to friends or meditate.

Hanani wrote: First, I pray about it. Second, I dance. Being a dancer, that's one of the ways I best express myself. Third, I don't dwell on the issue. I do things to help myself calm down so that when I have to think about the issue, I don't blow up anymore.

Cory wrote: I love to dance when I'm mad, or listen to music, and most the time when I am mad, I love to write about it, in poems or in a journal.

Dance, run, turn up the music, journal, or meditate. You can beat the anger and you will feel better, much better.

Dawson McAllister
Dawson McAllister, also known as America's youth pastor, was an author, radio host, speaker, and founder of TheHopeLine. McAllister attended Bethel College in Minnesota for undergraduate work where he graduated in 1968, began graduate studies at Talbot School of Theology in California, and received an honorary doctorate from Biola University.
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4 comments on “How to Manage Your Anger”

  1. Hi Dawson. I don't know how old this post is, but it helped me understand myself a little better. I am someone who gets angry every often n still fighting with myself to figure it out how to control it

  2. How is trust regained where trust has been lost. I sit here as a peace officer yes a cop and think to myself how this person let down the badge how they lost my trust and the city they are swore to protect

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