How to Get Motivated, so I Don't Fail All My Classes?

Ashley’s already on probation at her university. Instead of studying and doing her schoolwork, she procrastinates.

Ashley's Question:

Ashley: I really don't know. I have no motivational skills. I think maybe, I need to go back home and be under my parent’s rules again or something and maybe get my head straight. But as of now, I really don't know.

Dawson: Are you on probation?

Ashley: Yeah, I am from last semester.

Dawson: So, you have this semester to turn it around. And….

Ashley: And… it’s not looking very well.

Dawson: What’d you do with your time? Just party time or what?

Ashley: No, I'm on the computer and watching television, just anything, just procrastination really.

Dawson: You just weren’t disciplined.

Ashley: No.

Dawson: You didn’t want it bad enough.

Ashley: No.

Dawson: Is it too late, Ashley?

Ashley: No, not for my entire college career, I don’t think so, no. I want to try to make it, but I don't know. Cause I love it, but I don't know if I'm able or mature enough or disciplined enough to handle it right about now. I'm not exactly sure.

Dawson: Sounds like you’ve thrown in the towel.

Ashley: I know… I don’t know.

Dawson: If you did really well on your finals would you pull it out?

Ashley: Barely.

Dawson: Well, barely is better than nothing at all. Why don't you take a shot at it?

Ashley: Yeah, I could do that. Like, study better.

Dawson: Well, get some tutors for one thing. Go to your profs… have you talked to your profs about it?

Ashley: No.

Dawson: Don't they have graduate students that can be tutors?

Ashley: Yeah, they do have graduate assistants. So yeah, I could talk to them, and they would get them to help me.

Dawson McAllister's Answer:

Dawson: If you had someone to hold you accountable… basically what you need is some accountability and discipline. I just don't want you to look back this summer, I mean, granted, you can go back and go to junior college somewhere. But you're always going to remember that you basically were just messing around. And you're not going to feel good about yourself. So, if you have a shot at all, get accountable, buckle down, and see what happens.

Are you overwhelmed by college life? Here are ways to manage college stress.

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