Recovering Addict: How Do I Handle My Roommate Using?

Steven and his roommate are both recovering addicts. Now, Steven’s roommate is using again. Dawson tells Steven to GET OUT because staying off of drugs is more important than anything else.

I'm A Recovering Addict


Steven:  I moved in with a roommate about 6 months ago. The problem is my roommate is having a lot of females around the house living there now and I believe they are actively using (drugs). The problem is I’ve been in recovery for a year and a half and he also has been in recovery for a year and I believe he’s back to using. I stressed the situation to him. There’s a lot of traffic coming and going down the halls. He’s getting violent with me about the situation. It’s my first time renting a place (so I don’t know what to do).


Dawson: Whatever it takes, get out, Steven. GET OUT! And here’s something else, Steven, you may be happy you can split the bills with this guy but let’s be honest, if you get caught up in drugs again, you’ll need a lot more than a roommate. You’re going to need a place to live because you’re going to be on the street again. Do what you have to do to get out of there. Staying off of drugs is hard enough without your roommate bringing them into the house and tempting you with them.

If you’re in addiction recovery, you’re probably haunted by one question over and over: will I relapse again? Read my blog for the steps to take to avoid a relapse.

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