Posts by TheHopeLine Team

On the Verge of Giving Up

I always used to listen to Dawson McAllister on the radio.... never thought I would be one to contact them for help... thank you TheHopeLine.

I was on the verge of giving up...I talked to a girl last night for about 2 hours. I came to you guys with my problems. My best friend that I've grown up with and been with my whole life died in a horrible stupid accident. The girl I gained feelings for, that I've never had before, needed space. She's 18 years old and has a 19-month-old son, who I think is probably the coolest little dude in the world. The girl has everything I'm looking for and her flaws are easily passable for me. But she just broke up with the father that she dated for 4 years and we started talking a few weeks after so I understood she needed time...but the killer was she no longer wishes to really talk to me while she needs space. I didn't know what to do, I promised her I would wait for her to be ready.

She and her kid mean everything to me. I break down a few times every day. Everything reminds me of her. I hear a song. I tear up. I see a mom and son I tear up. I see a picture of her, I break down. And after I lost my friend this was just the topping to the cake. I knew I was no longer myself.

I knew I needed help before the suicidal thoughts would come. So I came to the one place I knew I could say what was going on, without being judged and made fun of.

I sadly forgot the girl's name I talked to, I wish I could thank the Hope Coach again. She walked me through everything. She told me to wait and give the girl space. That she will come back when she's ready. Tomorrow, I will go to a professional for more help with depression and anxiety. The girl I talked to last night also talked to me about getting a new personal relationship with our Lord. I said the prayer she gave me last night and I felt His presence, I felt the change...I've never been so thankful to have someone to talk to or listen to.

So again, I thank all of you for what you do.

Thank you for helping the hopeless.

Thank you for giving your own time just to give time to someone else that was almost out of their time.

Thank you for helping me and countless others find a stronger faith.

Again thank you again all of you!


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The Dos (And Don'ts) When Your Friend Is Battling Depression -

When your friend is battling depression...what should you say?

So Many People in My Life Were Struggling

A friend once sat next to me on a park bench and told me the only way he could get out of bed in the morning was by smoking a joint and turning his brain off from the pain.

For a while, I got long and desperate voicemails from my brother early in the morning about how he couldn't sleep, couldn't shake the feeling of being alone.

The more people I met in high school and college, the more the word kept popping up. I'm depressed. My mom is depressed. My sister, my cousin, my best friend.

So many of the people I care most about in the world have told me the same thing. They were in a fog they couldn't shake, a darkness sat on them like a two-hundred-pound weight. Life didn't seem worth living most of the time.

The word depression used to be so informal. It's been used to talk about everything from a bad day or a random mishap to breakups and funerals. Depression was sadness, was being upset by something, or maybe even being heartbroken.

For the longest time, depression was something that couldn't touch me. It was something I myself was immune to, so why should I care?

Despite so many people I knew dealing with this similar struggle, I really didn't get it. I'd had bad days too, but I always managed to move on. Things were hard sometimes, yes, but I still held so strongly to this belief that life was what you made it. That happiness was a choice, or something.

I didn't know how to help them. I didn't know what to say, so I talked their ears off and said all the wrong things.

Cheer up! Life gets better.
Just pray about it.
Maybe if you try just a little bit harder.
I understand what you're going through.
Look at all the good things in your life.

But Depression is REAL

An afternoon in June, that all changed.

For one of the longest hours of my life, I thought I lost someone who I cannot imagine living without. She had gone missing for hours, leaving only a scary note behind. I left probably twenty voicemails pleading for her life, my head pounding with the possibility.

I could have woken up without her. She could have been gone from my life forever.

And why? Because depression is real. Because for a long time, depression told her that no one would care if she just disappeared.
I sat in the car with her a few hours later, holding her hand and sobbing. I had no idea what to say, how to help, how to fix anything. But what I did know was that I didn't want to live in world without her without any of my friends who were struggling with depression.

Just Listen and Love

So, I shut up. I barred my mouth and let it sink in how incredibly amazing it was to have this girl in my life. No longer would I sugarcoat her pain, her loneliness.

Depression is one of the most powerful and subtle forces on the planet, a slow-acting poison that seeps into the life of every person who breathes air and thinks thoughts. I realize now that it wants to destroy me, and you are too. It either tackles each of us personally or vows to take shots at the people we care about. And now that I understand how much I've messed up all these years, I think it's starting to make sense what our part is to play in the fight against depression.

It's Not About You

If your friend is struggling, the first thing you must realize is that it isn't about you. That was the first trap I always seemed to fall in. I thought that I could remedy the situation, that the words that I said would actually make them feel better. I thought I knew what they needed.

It doesn't always make sense, it isn't always clear, and it's really freaking hard. What is the source? Hard to say. What will make it better? Who really knows?

Validate What They Are Feeling

Talking with many of my friends, they have told me that all they really want is for their feelings to be validated. In a society where bouts of depression are often downplayed, undermined, or ignored entirely, they just want to know that someone sees their pain, someone acknowledges the intensity of it.

"That SUCKS. You don't have to go through this alone if you don't want to."

It's that simple if we let it be. Our friends and family need us to hear them out and to hold them tight. They need us to listen to what they need, not be told what we think would help them. We need to let them talk about it instead of sweeping the rain cloud under a rug and ignoring what is really going on.

Each of us has a secret battle: depression, self-hate, pride, the wounds of the past, overwhelming fear, anxiety, you name it. We don't always want to talk about it, but we know it is there. And despite how much we try to hide it, it feels really good when someone lets us know that it is ok that we are struggling.

It also feels really good when the people in our lives give us the time and the space to struggle with our battle. It takes time, it takes patience, it takes resilience. The people in our lives need that from us as well.

No matter how dark life seems, or how low we feel, there is hope in knowing there is someone beside you to bolster you, to guard your back.

Will we always understand what our friends are going through? No. Will we always be able to help them? Definitely not. But can we always be there? If we care, absolutely.

 Meagan Prins, blog writer for HeartSupport shares her perspective in this guest post.

How does what Meagan said impact the way you will respond next time a friend tells you they are depressed?

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5 Ways to Stop Hating You

"To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance." - Oscar Wilde

5 Tips to Realize You are Wonderful

When you hate your life and yourself, you can feel drained, frustrated, and hopeless. But when you discover your self-worth and your inner and outer beauty, you begin to radiate with self-confidence, and the opinions of the masses just don’t apply to you anymore! Even if you are at a point in life where you hate everything about yourself, you can change that! It might feel impossible to think about loving yourself, or being self-assured, but it's like anything else, it takes work and effort, but you can change your outlook. You are wonderfully and beautifully made, even if you can't see it right now. Stop the self-hate by starting with these 5 things.

1. Don't Be So Hard on Yourself!

We are our own worst critics, and I am equally guilty of this myself.

Making Mistakes. Every single person makes mistakes. It’s part of being human. If you're wondering how not to hate yourself after making a mistake, it comes down to making an effort to change your mindset. The trick is learning what you can from them wherever you can and don’t beat yourself up about it. Yes, take responsibility.  Yes, fix what you can.  Yes, apologize when necessary but then forgive yourself and move on!

Acknowledge your best effort. We can't always be the best, finish first, or snag every leading role. Sometimes giving our very best doesn't win us the trophy, but that is no reason to hang our heads.  Give yourself credit for putting in the time and the effort, and again, learn how you could do better next time. (There's always room for improvement!)  Celebrate your accomplishments even though things don't always go as successfully as you would have hoped.

2. Love and Respect the One Looking Back from the Mirror

Nope.  You're not perfect.  Let's get that out of the way right now.  But you're not supposed to be. No one is.  Can you imagine the pressure of being perfect every day? (I love my yoga pants a little too much for that kind of responsibility! lol) So, accept that you have flaws and love yourself anyway!  When you look at yourself in the mirror focus on those things that you really like about yourself.  Your eyes?  The shape of your lips? That wonderful curve in the small of your back?  Find something and love on it.  Let it bring a smile to that beautiful face!

Love the things you can't change.  There are just some parts of our body that we can't really do anything about. (Well, I suppose if you have enough money, you could do just about anything. But I've never had to worry about that so...) I personally hate my feet, but I also hated having to cover them up constantly for fear of what other people would say about them.  Now, I'm barefoot 90% of the time and couldn't be happier.  They're the feet I was given.  They serve the purpose they were made for, and I'd be pretty miserable without them. (They're still ugly though...)  Fix what you can, if you think you need to and love and accept what you can't.

You are unique.  There is only one you.  We all have different reasons for being here on this earth, at this time.  Our past helps shape us, and the present lets us choose who we want to be in our future.

"My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents and I lay them both at His feet."  - Mahatma Gandhi

3.  Be Honest with Yourself

Know your true self.  Your strengths, your weaknesses.  There will be times in your life that you might feel the need to compromise who you are to attempt to "fit in" or to make someone "like" you.  Trust me.  You can only keep up with that facade for a short while.  When you suppress your true self for any length of time, you do more damage in the long run.  What was once artificial feelings of love and acceptance, turn to emptiness and self- doubt.  I'm not saying you shouldn't try new things or expand your horizon.  And on the other end of extremes, I'm not suggesting you be so rigid on your likes and dislikes that you don't bend a little. But bottom line, be who you really are. You don't have to pretend to like football because he does or the ballet because she does.  You don't have to sign up for yoga just because the rest of the cheerleaders take classes.

The real you will eventually come shining through (or break through the restraints!) anyway - so, let people fall in love with the real you from the very beginning.

4. Nurture Your Tomorrows

Sometimes, even as much as we want it, we don't have someone else to love us and encourage us or lift us when we're down.  That's why loving yourself is so important.  It's nice to have someone to lean on but when that's not possible in this season of your life, we have to lean on our own strengths.  So, make sure you're investing in yourself.

Do something that makes you happy every. single. day.  Yes, you can.  It's not that hard or expensive.  A sweet treat?  A favorite song? Watch a favorite movie or sitcom? Dine at your favorite restaurant? Read a favorite blog?  Experiment with a new eyeshadow? Go ahead.  Make a list.  Then work through them.  It's fun, you'll thank me later.  And what a happy boost you'll get!
Invest in your dreams.  I'm a big advocate of chasing down and reaching your dreams.  So this post would be remiss if I didn't mention it somewhere!  Seems to fit right here!  Do something, even if its something small, every day or every week to get you closer to your dream.  Not sure what your dreams are?  Take an afternoon to brainstorm and write them down.  (I'm a big advocate of lists too! lol)

Do things, read things, listen to things that inspire you.  Surround yourself with positive things. The walls of my office and bedroom are covered with inspirational quotes and pictures of family and friends and of course my goal lists!  The world tries so hard to bring us down.  There is already so much negativity trying to get your attention.  Let that bad stuff and worry roll off of you and focus on the positives!  Be inspired!!

5. Being Your Best Self

By following the advice in this blog, I believe you'll realize how wonderful you are. And when that happens, you'll be amazed at the changes that come from inside you AND the world around you! Self-confidence is a beautiful thing.

(Disclaimer:  I should mention that although I try to follow my own advice - I do fall short at times as well. There are moments that I am shy and introverted and just don't want to talk to people or be happy and positive all the time and I get discouraged too, when I don't reach my goals or gain extra weight. But it's okay. Because that's a part of who I am and I'm good with that! So, I allow myself some down times, eat my carton on ice-cream and then I get back on my feet again.)

The more you love yourself the less likely you'll be able to tolerate rude behavior from others. You set the standard of how you want to be treated. I promise you; they will follow your lead as long as you believe in yourself.

You Have to Love Yourself Before You Can Love Others

And when the time comes and you meet someone, you're willing to accept into your world to love, loving yourself already will only enhance the relationship. You will know who you are and who you want to share your time with. You'll be able to devote yourself to loving him/her without fear because you've been on your own once, and you can do it again if need be. You won't feel the need to settle for anybody just to have a somebody.

And finally, perhaps most importantly, when you reach this level of self- love, you are more willing and open to loving others. Not for what you might get in return, but for the sake of loving. And that, my friends, is a feeling I cannot even put into words. When you figure out that love is the base of all things, the world just seems a little bit brighter, despite what the news reporters might say.
"If you would be loved, love and be lovable." - Benjamin Franklin

You are all kinds of wonderful. Are you aware of that? Take time to get to know yourself and love will soon follow.

"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.  You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world."  -Lucille Ball

Elizabeth Bourgeret is an author, speaker, life coach and award-winning creator of the Total Truth for Teen Workshop and the Leading with Love Series.  She loves teaching workshops, working with kids, helping other authors reach their dreams and creating new stories with vibrant characters that will touch your heart.

If you're not sure what to do if you hate yourself and your life, you can get extra support right now. Chat with TheHopeLine if you want help to stop hating yourself and check out our free eBook.

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Talking About It - Can Help!

We all have things we deal with...problems, conflict, abuse in our lives.  It's hard to know who to talk to, who will listen and not judge, who will offer good advice and not just say the first thing that pops in their head., who will understand but not let your issues affect the way they feel towards you. That's why TheHopeLine is here. It's a safe, non-judgmental place to talk about your struggles.  Here are a few courageous people that reached out for help and found TheHopeLine in time to help them in their time of need. Talking about it - CAN HELP.

I made some bad choices over the summer resulting in therapy to try and better myself. Once the therapy stopped, my feelings got worse. I tried reaching out to friends and family, but no one was really there to help and some friends and family members even caused more problems for me. I started to have suicidal thoughts once again and harmed myself for the first time in several years.
The conversation with my HopeCoach helped me get these things off my chest and showed me that I mattered.

They made me realize the good things I have to look forward to, helped me realize that I do matter, and showed me some new resources in case I get worse again.

My conversation with my HopeCoach helped me immensely! ~Jordan

When I found your site I was skeptical at first, I never told anyone about my dilemma. When I was very little my brother, who is ten years older than me, started abusing me. He would make me do sexual things to him and do things back to me that I didn't want. He repeatedly did things to me that was and never will be right. He threatened to kill me and my mom (he was my step brother and we shared the same father) and I was scared to tell anyone in fear of being hurt by him.

When I was 5, he went too far and took my virginity. When I was 5 years old! That was the line for me and I had the guts to tell my parents and he was sent to jail. I blocked these things out of my mind until a year ago...memories flooded back and I couldn't control myself. I started self-harming.  When I found out he had been allowed out of prison, I was so scared that I tried to commit suicide.

When I found this website I was in lots of pain and telling my story really helped me and I'm in a better place now.

Thank you, you really helped me. ~Jessica

Dear TheHopeLine,

Talking to a wonderful person through email over the past few years (I am now 25, started talking to him when I was 22) has really helped me. He checks in on me once or twice a month to see how I am doing. This guy has really helped me see the good of life and I learned a lot from him. I am now in college being successful.

Thank you for saving my life before it got too bad where it could have killed me. You all rock!

If you need help, check out TheHopeLine's eBook library, with eBooks on Dating, Self-Worth, Depression, and much more!

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Helping People Live Their Best Story

I sat in the back of a fourth-grade classroom in Kenya and told God that if He gave me something meaningful and purposeful to do with my life, I wouldn't quit unless it was complete or He said it was time to quit. - Derek Snook, a Millennial

How Derek helped others LIVE THEIR BEST STORY

While living and working in Africa, Derek realized, "There was often a disconnect between those who wanted to help, those who really understood how to help and those on the receiving end." Having previously volunteered at the Star Gospel Mission, a men's homeless shelter, Derek decided to spend a year living at the shelter. The hardest part of his experience was being a day laborer. Day labor was one of the most miserable and demeaning things I've done Derek said.

Because of this life-changing and eye-opening experience, Derek Snook turned a problem into a passion. Derek started his own company to empower people to "Live Their Best Story." This is the mission of "In Every Story Labor Services."

What makes IES different from other labor companies?

  1. Starting wages are higher
  2. Workers are paid weekly instead of daily (to help gain skills for long-term employment)
  3. After working 150 hours you automatically get a share of IES profits (and the longer you work, the more your share goes up)
  4. Relationship building is a priority (i.e. team building and accountability)
  5. Celebration (IES celebrates each time a worker is hired full-time - check out their stories here)

Derek made many friends and gained a lot of wisdom while living at the Star Gospel Mission. The wisdom he gained is relevant and real. The following is an excerpt from a memoir he is writing:

Want versus Need

"I learned a lot about what it really takes to survive while I lived at the Star Gospel Mission. For me, seeing the men at the mission really changed my perspective. It made me wonder why we think we need so much to survive, and helped me see the dysfunction of healthy wants becoming needs. It's not that I solved the problem, either, and I write this as one erring soul to another.

In general, I learned like most things in life, that less is more. I can answer the question What do you really need to survive? with simply, God. I can answer it by adding to God, food, water, shelter and clothing. Or I can add to that a vehicle, family, and house. Or I can add to that not just any vehicle but an SUV, not just any family but one with a hot wife and 2 well-behaved children (one boy and one girl, duh), and not just any house but a brick one in a nice neighborhood.

Or I can answer it simply, I need just as much as the people around me because the real issue is their approval. Or maybe just a little more than everybody around me because the real issue is I need to feel superior...This means the answer to what you need to survive actually changes depending on if you're born in the USA or Bangkok.

To be honest I feel like this question more pointedly attacks me because I've tried taking it by the horns and answering it for myself rather than simply keeping quiet, staying in line, and going with the flow. 'Thoughtless is the man who abandons his ideals, surrendering himself to the common fate,' says Autobiography of a Yogi. And so, daily this question hides behind a corner on my walk to work and tries to mug me. 'Put your hands up and give me all your joy!' it screams. Some days the question wins and makes me sad and depressed and I'm sure no girl will ever want to marry me and my future will end living in a van down by the river.

In general, I've accepted the tension between what I want and what I need and that there's a force out there trying to move healthy things from my want list to the need list, at which point they become chains. What I gained from the mission was not a clear understanding of a right or wrong answer but instead the insight it's a serious question my life is too short not to consider now. Rather than let other people tell me what I need to live I should have the courage to decide for myself. Because however, I answer the question, What do you really need to survive? will ultimately determine what I can accomplish with my life."

Want more? Watch Derek's TEDxCharleston talk here.
You can follow In Every Story on Facebook or check out their website here.

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6 Reasons to Cut Porn Out of Your Life for Good

This is the year to detox from porn in your life, whether it's your personal struggle or something that is plaguing your family or relationships. And here's why:

Why You Should Stop Watching Porn

1) Cut porn because it harms your health

While porn might make you feel like you have sexual prowess, it is actually sapping you of your natural sexual desires and abilities. Porn-induced sexual dysfunction and diminished libido with a real-life partner (as opposed to pixels on a screen) are both rising phenomena among regular porn users. And no, this is not limited to older men. Young and old, male and female, can all have variations of these undesired effects.

2) Cut porn because it harms your brain

Like other addictive substances, pornography floods the brain with dopamine. This rush of chemicals over time can re-wire the pathways in your brain to increase your appetite for, and eventually dependence on, porn.  Now you might be thinking Sure, I watch porn sometimes, but it's not like I'm addicted. Well, unfortunately, even moderate porn use is linked to damage in areas of the brain involved in motivation and decision-making. Not exactly what you'd want to sign up for.

3) Cut porn because it harms your relationships

#PornKillsLove. Pornography feeds unrealistic, and highly selfish, expectations about sex and intimacy. Who needs a partner with their own needs and boundaries and feelings, when there are millions of videos you could watch that say yes to your every desire, whim, and fetish? Research has found that women whose husbands or boyfriends look at pornography frequently are less happy in their relationships than women whose male partners do not view it at all. Further, one study found that higher rates of pornography use were negatively associated with enjoying sex with their real partner, because it cannot live up to the fantasy on the screen. Porn not only breeds insecurity, selfishness, and a lack of trust, but it also actually decreases your ability to enjoy your partner.

4) Cut porn because it harms sex trafficking victims

Not everyone who is performing in porn videos is a willing participant. Many performers in porn would meet the definition of a sex trafficking victim. Fraud, deception, threat or use of force, coercion, and abuse of power or vulnerability frequently takes place during filming on porn sets. In addition to this, many sex traffickers intentionally make porn of their victims in order to diversify their profits and to advertise. Do you really want to risk the fact that you could be watching the sexual abuse of a sex trafficking victim for pleasure? One of the best ways you can take action against sex trafficking right now is to refuse to feed the porn industry through views or purchases.

5) Cut porn because it harms society

None of our actions are in a vacuum. While most people think watching porn is a private act, there are actually many ways that it has broader social implications. Watching pornography, even the free videos, perpetuates the porn industry and the sex trafficking that occurs within it. In addition to this, pornography use is linked to increases in acceptance of sexual violence. Research shows that adult exposure to pornographic media is associated with believing a rape victim enjoys rape, increased acceptance of violence against women, and increased likelihood of sexually abusing children. While not every porn user is going to abuse someone, by watching pornography this culture of sexual harm is sustained and promoted.

6) Cut porn because it's possible!

Leaving pornography behind does not have to be a failed resolution this year. Countless of individuals, male and female, have recovered from porn use and its negative effects.

Nobody is alone in this journey. There are several resources on the National Center on Sexual Exploitation's website which can help those who are struggling with pornography, those who have a partner or spouse who struggles with pornography, and even parents who want to protect their children from pornography. All of the tools necessary are available to make this the best year yet to go porn free.

Haley Halverson is the Director of Communications for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.  The National Center on Sexual Exploitation is the leading national organization opposing pornography by highlighting the links to sex trafficking, violence against women, child abuse, addiction and more.  Find out more and be part of the movement: To Defend Dignity.

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Suicidal Thoughts

At some point in time, many people have thought about ending their life. If you too have had these thoughts, you are not alone. There is hope for those that are having suicidal thoughts.  Just like there was for Sarah, Gavin and Sara who share their stories below.

It was All Too Much

I have been dealing with depression for eleven years, my sister had passed away and after that my life changed completely. I was abused by my father, then my parents were divorced, afterwards my mom found a really cool guy and he became my step-dad. I loved him, until he started putting me down, shoving me out of the house, getting so close to me when he yelled he would spit on me.  Then my Aunt passed away and I found out the day my sister passed away. She committed suicide. Then on my Aunt's birthday my grandmother died, of old age. I have been bullied at school to the point where I'm afraid to be myself and talk to anyone because of fear of being laughed at. I've had several classroom incidents, and I was rendered helpless, the teacher was mad. I have a really bad life here. And I have attempted suicide three times already. My HopeCoach talked to me and listened to me, after I had been so scared to talk. I am so glad because I had my pistol ready, thank you so much!

My HopeCoach Understood

I felt very low and I felt like ending it.  I just wanted to say a big thank you to a HopeCoach today because I was in a bad way and he understood.  He gave me some good resources and guidance that should hopefully help me in the future.  Bless TheHopeLine!  Hope is Here!

I'm Worth a Shot

I had been looking for something that would help me change my mind. I tried other sites, name it!  I stumbled onto in my search and gave them a shot. I'm extremely glad I did. I spoke with a HopeCoach who not only talked me down, but actually understood and had personal experiences feeling the way I've been feeling. They talked with me and helped me to see I'm worth a shot too!

You Are Loved.
You Are Brave.
You Are Valuable.
You Can Do This.

You too can talk with a HopeCoach from our Get Help Page. For additional help, please visit the suicide prevention resource page.

If you are having suicidal thoughts or if you know someone who is considering suicide, check out TheHopeLine's eBook: Understanding Suicide.

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I was Feeling Overwhelmed and Alone

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?

I came across this site by accident but I'm so glad that I did. I have been in a bad place for a while and when I found I was feeling completely overwhelmed. I had no one to talk to because not a lot of people knew what was going on in my life. I spoke about the issues I was having for the first time in four years. I had never been able to do that before.

I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and it gave me the boost I needed to feel hopeful again.


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Megan's Struggle With Anxiety Disorder
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Mental Illness Is Not Mental Weakness

If you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed and dealing with anxiety. TheHopeLine's free eBook can help you to understand the causes of anxiety and how to deal with it all.

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How to Live Life on the Hard Days [Video]

You never know until you Live Life what might happen.

TheHopeLine has partnered again with Vlogsters, to bring you this video.  Vlogsters is a group of millennials sharing hope through their videos.  This is a great video for those that are struggling, or even those just in the mundanes of every day life...going to school, studying, working, living, breathing...a reminder that not every day of life is going to be a wild ride.  It's about the journey, the small, quiet moments and not just the destination.  Vlogster Adrian Nuno shared: "My hope is that it is a thought-provoking video and it can inspire others to keep on going through the hard days."

Live. Life. - YouTube

When you are young, you are given the impression that every day of your life needs to be a day of countless adventures. From movies to books to commercials, you are given the impression that life should be a wild ride. And sometimes, it is. But in so many other ways, that isn't the case.

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How To Follow Your Dreams
How Katie Made A difference In Uganda
School Assignment Changed Veronica's Life

For most of us, that idea of a wild life is getting up early in the morning to go to a job, or to a class that you can't wait for to end. For some of us, that idea of a wild life is staying up late at night, pondering about who we are and what we are. Some nights, those thoughts can enchant us. But other nights, those thoughts can haunt us. Haunt us that we aren't doing enough, or that we aren't living the life that we should be living. That's life.

Yes, we might be young. But for some of us, we just aren't living that wild and crazy lifestyle of adventures. Because that's not what real life is. In reality, you need to wonder what your next meal might be, or what your plans for the weekend will be that doesn't end with you going broke.

And we dream, or at least I do. I dream of hopefully making a name for myself one day. I dream that one day, I will be able to look at my troubles and say that they were well worth it. I dream that one day, I can truly be living what I dream of doing: entertaining others. Whether that be making movies, hosting a talk show or hosting the Oscars. If it were all three, that'd be pretty awesome.

But let's not get too bogged down in that. Hopefully, it will happen someday. But for now, it remains a dream.

For me, it is what keeps me going. It is what makes every late night doing homework or every hectic week worth it. Because I know it will hopefully lead me down the path to do something great. For now, I don't let my hectic work schedule and classes and homework stop me from doing what I love. I still edit movies, I still edit videos and I still film videos. For now, it just remains a passionate hobby. Hopefully though, it will soon be a passionate way of making a living.

People who won't take the simple way out for an answer. Because as someone once said, it is those who think that they can change the world that are the ones who do. Because they had the audacity to do what others wouldn't even think of.

Life is like a car driving down an empty road sometimes. You just keep going and going, even if you may not know where you are headed. And along the way, you see moments of utter beauty that just take your breath away. That's the key though, you just need to keep on going, because you'll never know what you'll end up discovering. Life is full of surprises. Some of them will be pleasant, others not so much. But what's important is that you keep on going. Because who knows?

Tomorrow, you just might win the lottery, or run into the star of your dreams, or meet that special someone who loves you for who you are. Maybe your class might get cancelled and you'll get to hop back in your bed for another hour. Or maybe, you just might get that big deal that will make your dreams come true. But you'll never know unless you try, unless you try to live life. So that's all I ask. That's it. Two simple words.

Live. Life.
-Adrian Nuno

Are you struggling with a hard day?  Do you have a way of getting through the hard times or the mundane times?  We would love for you to comment below and share how you live life on the hard days.

You might also want to check out Dawson's blog: How to Follow Your Dreams.

And check out one of Vlogster's other videos, a powerful slam poem, inspired by a girl who died by suicide: All Too Soon.

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