Posts by TheHopeLine Team

Learned to Appreciate My Own Self-Worth

How Did Zoe Find Her Own Self-Worth?

Here is Zoe's personal account of how she finally learned to appreciate her own self-worth...

I spoke to a wonderful Hope Coach about issues I've had with my Mum and my brother, who sadly, is no longer a part of our lives as he disowned us all last year. I explained how I was feeling and was advised that I can't change who my Mum is but what I can do is set my own rules and boundaries to protect myself and stop enabling others to put me in situations that no longer make me happy.

These people (the Hope Coaches) are so down to earth and they speak a lot of honesty truth and logic.

I was made to appreciate my own self-value and worth and that other people's battles aren't mine to fight anymore. They have to handle them on their own. I've done my fair share of battling through my life and it's time for me to take a step back and look after myself.

-Zoe (from the UK)

Start appreciating your own self-worth. A compassionate and caring Hope Coach is ready to listen and understand what you are going through. Chat Live with a Hope Coach!

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Leigh Had Been Living In Isolation For Years

Leigh describes her experience of isolation and how she found hope at TheHopeLine®.....

When my father became ill, there wasn't much time for all. I couldn't have a conversation with anyone. I was ignored and no one even attempted to hide the fact they were ignoring me.  It's not a big deal if you're an older teen, but I was 10.

It's been almost another 10 years since this started. I have started having dark thoughts over, as if I wasn't even a person anymore. I couldn't talk with my family, my friends, nor the staff at my school. I began isolating myself during middle school and I now fear being in a room with too many people. My HopeCoach was very supportive and a very short conversation with him went better than conversations I've had with anyone. I would recommend TheHopeLine® to anyone feeling upset over any sort of situation.

Related Posts:
Just Say Hi
How To Make Friends
9 Tips For Being A Great Friend

Friendships can be really hard, to read more about how to make and keep friends, download your free eBook:

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Overwhelming Sadness and then Hope

My name is Jordyn and this is my story:

Two years ago my best friend was killed in a car accident.  He wasn't just my best friend...he could have possibly been my soul mate.  And I haven't accepted his death, so my head is still stuck in 2013 rather than 2015.  I was in too much shock to take it all in and now I am, slowly starting to notice that he isn't going to be coming home anytime soon.

I was trying to write something , anything and all I could think of was how much I missed him. My depression has kicked into high gear and I just was looking for someone, other than people who know me to hear my story with no judgment and I found this site and signed up and decided to give it a try, to give me some sort of hope and calm myself down.  Sarah, was my HopeCoach and she was the one who actually made me aware that I am stuck in 2013 mentally because of his loss. She prayed for me and at the end, I had a smile on my face and happy tears because of the prayer.

Thank you Sarah and to the other HopeCoaches who take their time to talk to people who are struggling.  Thank you for helping to keep us motivated and helping us to carry on.

To hear our stories, means a lot to me and I am sure to everyone else. You guys are awesome :)

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What if We Loved the Bully?

What if we lived life above the norm in EXTREME LOVE; not seeking revenge, not speaking badly of our enemies, and refusing to stay angry?

Love is Greater Than Hate

A good friend of our organization, Brooks Gibbs, wrote a book on bullying called, Love is Greater Than Hate. Gibbs was a victim of bullying as well as a bully himself and in his book, he discusses some alternative responses to bullies.

Here's what he suggests, "The ones who hurt us need our love the most. In fact, I believe that this is the ultimate pathway to healing - to turn the hate that you feel towards someone into genuine love and care for them." (page 29) In other words, what if we loved the bully?

Now you might read that and think this is crazy. You might be saying, "But Dawson, do you have any idea how it feels to be tormented to the point that you feel absolutely worthless. I can't even love myself, let alone love a bully."

First of all, if that is how you are feeling, I want you to know that I believe you are amazing! You are not worthless; you can make a difference in someone else's life. I know this is asking a lot, but what if loving the bully worked? What if you had the power to change the cycle? Gibbs talks about how when we love the unlovable, lives are changed. It "reverses the cycle of hate, breaks the back of bullying, and launches us into a new cycle of life." (page 32)

3 Steps for Choosing Love over Hate

It is important to understand that a bully is often the victim of hate themselves and to feel better, they try to assert hateful power over someone else. That's why YOU could be the start of a new cycle. You could choose to react with LOVE. Love that is a choice, an action of the will.

Like I said, I know it isn't going to be easy to love the bully, so here are three steps that Gibbs suggests to help in the process.

1. Change your thought patterns. A normal thought pattern after someone hurts us is to begin thinking about them negatively, dwelling on it, magnifying it, and turning it into hateful thoughts. Rather, think of bullying as opportunities to learn to deal with difficult people (they are always present!), begin thinking of them as good and think kind thoughts toward them.

2. Change your actions. Choose not to participate in the drama. By doing so you demonstrate maturity, humility and respect which will totally disarm the bully. Pray for the bully, ask God to help you change your attitude about them.

3. Change your feelings. Feelings follow our thoughts; as you change your thoughts and choose to love, your feelings will follow. "Love will open your eyes. You will gain the ability to see past their masks of hate and see a heart full of hurt." (page 44) Learning to forgive will also help change our feelings. I love Gibbs definition of forgiveness. Forgiveness is "releasing the person that did you wrong from the responsibility of fixing it." (page 45). Forgiving someone sets us free from letting them hurt us over and over again as our mind dwells on how we were wronged. Gibbs says that unforgiveness re-victimizes upon every remembrance.

Bullying Support Groups

I have had a number of teens tell me recently about their own experiences of being bullied and how that has motivated them to start a bullying support group in their school. I'm proud of them for wanting to do something to make a difference. It is so important that people who are being bullied have a place to go that is safe and have others supporting them. My word of advice for starting a bullying support group would be that the group not become a revenge group or a place to spew hate about bullies, but rather a place to be "above the norm" and consider how to show love to bullies.

Hate is easy. Love takes courage! You can do it!

For more from Brooks Gibbs check out this video: Anti-Bullying Youth Speaker Brooks Gibbs

For more information on bullying, here's a guide to understanding the types of bullying and cyberbullying and how to deal with it. 

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Choose Friends Wisely

 Choose Friends Wisely

When I met Jason, he was seen as a new kid on the block, in his first year of serving a life sentence without parole for murder. Jason was nineteen. We talked for a long time about his past, his broken home, and how he grew up on the streets of Baltimore, dealing dope and packing heat before the end of fourth grade.

Jason could've made excuses for where he was. He could've laid the blame for his poor choices on his life on the street. Instead, he looked me square in the eye and said, there's no one to blame but me. I chose my friends. Now I'm paying the price.

Reasons You Have Friends

Friendships. We all have them. We all want them. And, to a certain extent, we all need them. Your friends are one of, if not the most, powerful influences in your life today. But do you ever really think about the friendships you have and how they affect you? Your friends are your friends for probably a lot of reasons:

  1. They've accepted you.
  2. You have a lot in common with them.
  3. They make you feel secure.
  4. You trust them.
  5. They're loaded!

Okay, except for that last one, all of those are pretty valid reasons. Here's another one: They need to live a godly life and encourage you to do the same. Your friends seriously impact you how you dress, how you talk, how you act, who you date, what music you listen to, and even how you treat your parents.

Friends Influence You

I know you're probably thinking, I don't let my friends influence me like that. I decide what I want to do. Well, it may seem that way. But think about this:

Friends = Time
Friends are not just people you know. They're people you do life with school, lunch, sports, parties it's safe to say you spend a lot of time doing stuff with them.

Time = Influence
The more time you spend with another person, the more you're influenced by that person. That's natural. As you commit time to a friendship, your lifestyle will be more and more affected by theirs.

Influence = Character
1 Corinthians 15:33 warns that bad company will corrupt our character. How's your character? Do you find yourself making choices today that you wouldn't have made if it wasn't for your friends? If yes, have these choices been honoring or dishonoring to God?

Character = Choices
Think about the five choices you most regret making. Now, think about where you were and who you were with when you made these choices of regret. I bet it's pretty safe to say that you were probably with a close friend when you made most, if not all, of these choices.

God knows that friendships are important to you. And He wants you to have truly great ones. But He also knows how much bad friendships can hurt you. So how do you know the difference between good friends and bad ones? Well, unfortunately, your friends are not like bags of Doritos they don't have labels on their backs listing all of their ingredients. In Proverbs 13:20, God gives us a promise and a warning that can help in choosing the right kind of friends:

  • The promise: Spend time with wise people, and you will grow wise.
  • The warning: Spend time with foolish people, and you will suffer!

Wise Friends

If you hang out with wise friends, people who know right from wrong and choose right, you're going to get wise. Wise friends will be more able to offer you good advice in time of need because they believe God's ways are right and they follow them.

The warning in this verse is just as clear as the promise and just as serious. Proverbs says if you hang out with fools, then bad stuff is going to happen to you. This verse doesn't say bad stuff might happen. God's word is completely clear!

Meaningful friendships don't always come easy. And there'll be times when distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy friendships will be hard. But as you commit to staying in consistent communication with God, He'll give you the wisdom to know the difference. God wants you to have awesome friendships. He wants you to have fun with good friends. But God also knows what can happen if you choose the wrong friends. So, choose wisely!

Jeffrey Dean, aka, JD is a motivation speaker and has spoken to over 3 million teens.  He is also an ordained pastor, counselor, and author.

If you are thinking to yourself after reading this - I need some new friends.  Check out Dawson's blog: How to Make Friends.

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Pain Inside I Couldn't Deal With

The Deep Pain Inside Brianna

It started right before entering my senior year in high school. I was tired. Tired of people. Tired of my overbearing parents. Tired of sharing everything with my twin. Tired of life. I attempted suicide when I was at the tender age of 16. I totaled my car by hitting a pole at a whopping 50+ miles per hour. I flipped the car so high I knocked the top off the pole, crushed the passenger side, and somehow walked away with a few scratches. I was scared. I was upset, but I was alive.

Fast forward just a couple of months. Senior year has started, and nothing is going right. I continually ask myself why I failed.

Why am I still here? I felt like a burden on my family. On my teachers. I worked hard in school, to an extent. I had to pretend I didn't care a little. Otherwise, they would all ask what was wrong with me. I still couldn't cope. I watched my twin get everything I had worked three years for. Section leader in band, team captain on our varsity soccer team, she had the high school sweetheart, she was the thin one, the smart one. She had it all. I started to cut. It wasn't for attention. It wasn't for anyone to say, I am so sorry, as they looked away.

It was because there was a pain inside me, I couldn't deal with.

I was immature. Angry. I made it through Christmas barely. Over the break I got a cold, I started taking medicine. I found out I didn't need much sleep on it. So, I kept taking it. For months. Even after the cold had been long gone. I had a drug dependency. I didn't need to sleep more than a couple hours a night. But I didn't make a good use of my extra time. I cried a lot. When everyone was asleep. And I cut. At this point, I had a really bad attitude. A bad outlook on life. I hated everyone and everything. Because of that attitude, I didn't step foot on the soccer field my entire senior year, despite starting on varsity since my freshman year. It was devastating.

I finally lost it and lashed out, not at a student, but at a teacher. When she confronted me, I broke down and told her I didn't need her sympathy, that's why I cut. For me, not anyone else. Here is where being a minor came into play... They told me parents. After watching my mother cry, they put me in therapy. Professional therapy. The counselor talked to me, asked me what was wrong, and I told him all my grievances with the world. He asked what I did for fun. I had to say nothing. Nothing was fun anymore. I didn't have my school, my sport, even my friends were gone at this point. All I had was cold medicine and scarred thighs.

During my final months of senior year, my final months of therapy, I found something out about myself. I was lost. I had strayed so far from God I didn't know how to get back.

Here I was searching desperately for something to help me. To take away my loneliness, my pain. And He was right there. Waiting for me.

There were so many signs while I was struggling, but I was too angry to see them or take them for what they were. I reconnected with God. Got involved with my church. It took a long time, but I beat my drug dependency, I beat the need to be accepted by everyone around me, and I beat the need to self-harm myself. I was accepted. Finally. I strayed throughout college; I don't know many people who don't honestly... But I found my way back through an amazing man who I am now engaged to marry. I am in charge of a youth group, and we lead discussions about tough topics. Topics I have firsthand experience with. I also sing. I sing on Wednesdays; I sing on Sundays. I sing at work. In the car. Alone or surrounded by people. I lift God and I thank him every day for rescuing me from myself and the devil within me. I still fight sin. Daily. It's still a struggle. But I am no longer alone. Praise Jesus for his love and grace. - Brianna

Related Posts:
A Door of Hope
Why Do People Self-Harm?
Real Story: Artist Michaela Hatfield
How To Quit Cutting

If you or a friend need support right now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, for free confidential, 24/7 help. Head here for a list of crisis centers around the world. For additional help, please visit the suicide prevention resource page.

If you are struggling, you don't have to struggle alone.  TheHopeLine is here for you.  Chat with us: HERE

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Inspired To Do What My Heart Wants

My name is Stella and this is my story:

Overprotective parents. 22 and living with parents. Don't get to go out. Don't get to meet the love of my life. Pressurized to be the best in studies and not caring about my dreams.

I stopped self-cutting 3 years ago. Started today because of a fight with a boyfriend. It was pretty bad. Then I thought why. Why was I cutting? I wondered if others did it for the same reasons. I googled why people cut themselves. Found this in one of the blogs I read about downloading the app to chat.

I feel so much better and more positive and inspired to do what my heart wants me to. Thank you for making me strong again when I was about to give in to my weak self.

And Mason my HopeCoach is a sweetheart and he helped me get my confidence and willpower back...Thank you Mason for your kindness and patience. I needed that when I had nobody. 

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Stay Strong

How She Was Able To Stay Strong

I was 18, fresh out of high school and in my first serious relationship. He was abusive and I was enamored. He cut me off from my friends, and I alienated my family. Things were emotionally, physically, and sexually abusive. I was devastated when he left.

I suffered from self-harm and I couldn't control the impulses to keep myself from cutting. I gained a lot of weight and I found my solace in my studies. I was eating, working, going to school, and barely sleeping.

I finally found God, talked to a counselor, and met an amazing man. He has helped me overcome a lot of my struggles by praying with and for me daily. Since then, I've lost almost 100 pounds, I have been free from self harm for more than a year and I just want to say it gets better. It seems bleak, but it can't stay that way forever. Stay strong, be positive, and find God. He puts you through struggles and situations for a reason.

Related Posts:
A Door of Hope
Why Do People Self-Harm?
Real Story: Artist Michaela Hatfield
How To Quit Cutting

For additional help connect with our partners at Door of Hope. You are not alone.

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I'm Slowly Stopping After Cutting Since Fifth Grade

Overweight and Insecure I Started to Self-Harm

I have always been overweight and insecure.  In the fifth grade, I started cutting and I just couldn't stop.  It's an addiction and I did it all the time. One day in the bathroom, when I was washing my hands, one of my "friends" saw my cuts and she asked what they were and if I did them.  I told her I did them and she didn't even care, all she said was "oh, okay."  So that just made me feel even more worthless, invisible, and suicidal.

I Wanted to Die or Leave 

When I had gotten home that day I went for a walk around my neighborhood and I got taken and raped. I tried yelling for help but he covered my mouth.  I tried telling my dad but all he said was if someone did then you deserved it.  He tied me down to his bed and hit me until I started bleeding then he raped me. When I said I was going to tell my teacher he said if I did then it would just be worse tomorrow. By that time I did everything to die or leave, after a while I went to a hospital for 3 months but then I had to go back to my abusive dad.  No one would see me so I started sending dirty pictures to guys and girls to get attention.

A HopeCoach Told Me I Was Worth It

One day I found this website and started talking to someone, a HopeCoach, and they told me I was worth it and needed help to get better.  Since then I have slowly stopped cutting.

I am Whitney and that is my story.

If you are struggling with self-harm you can contact TheHopeLine HERE and check out our page of resources for self-harm to help you because scars don't have to last forever.

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