Our eBooks are full of hope and practical advice.

As an added bonus, they're short, easy to read, and FREE!


Think you may be struggling with abandonment issues? At some point in life, everyone deals with feelings of abandonment. For many people, it begins in childhood, when they are most vulnerable.
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Over 40 Million Americans Suffer from an Anxiety Disorder, yet Many Do not Seek Treatment. Are you feeling overwhelmed and out of control? Has it come to the point that it interferes with your daily life?
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Did You Know...Every Day 160,000 Students Stay Home From School To Avoid A Bully? Bullying is an act of aggression towards someone, and can take on many forms. Anyone can be the target of bullying.
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Is there cheating going on in your relationship?  It is important for healthy relationships to be built on trust and respect.  When someone cheats, it destroys that bond of trust and it can be hard to rebuild the relationship.
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Codependency is when you rely too much on someone else, like a friend, family member, or partner, for your own happiness and well-being. Codependency does not just affect your relationship with another person, but it also has a significant impact on your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
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Do you seem caught in an endless cycle of bad dating relationships? The minute one relationship ends are you on to another? Are you ready to find the right one?  Do you want to stop the madness?  This eBook will help!
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Depression affects 16 million Americans each year and 350 million people worldwide.  Depression can be described as a prolonged unexplained sadness that affects everyday life.  Understand the signs, causes, and symptoms and find hope!
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Are you considering a divorce or are you already divorced?  You are not alone.  This ebook will give guidance to those thinking about getting a divorce and will also help those who are coping with life after a divorce as a husband, wife, or child.
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Dysfunctinal Families

No family is perfect, but when a family is truly "dysfunctional," the consequences run deep. This free PDF download is packed with information, advice, and next steps to help you navigate a dysfunctional family.
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Eating Disorders

Did you know that 81% of 10-year-olds are afraid of being fat?  Many of these will suffer from an eating disorder by age 12.  Want to learn more about eating disorders or find help for yourself of a friend?  This eBook can help!
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When fear starts to control your mind, you lose control of your actions—and maybe even your thoughts. If fear gets so strong that it keeps you from doing what you need or want to do, it becomes a real issue.
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Whis forgiveness important?  This eBook can help you understand the answer to this question while giving you a step-by-step process on how to forgive someone.  It also includes help with seeking forgiveness if you are the one in the wrong.
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Do you struggle with making and keeping friends?  Friendships enrich our lives and keep us grounded when troubles arise.  But let's be honest, while friendships can be rewarding, they aren't always easy.  This eBook will give you tips on how to meet, make, and maintain good friends.
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Broken Heart

Has your heart been broken and you feel like you can't go on anymore? Do you need help with how to recover and move on? This eBook will give you suggestions on how to deal with your broken heart and move forward with hope!
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Are you wondering what your purpose is? Do you have questions about what Christians believe or what it means to be a Christian?  This eBook explains how each one of us can have a relationship with God.
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At some point in life, everyone experiences loss.  Whether it's the death of a loved one, a painful breakup, or other life-changing events, the grief that results can feel overwhelming.
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Do you feel like life is pointless?  You are not alone.  The truth is, you have a purpose and this is where hope comes in!  In this eBook we examine hope, why we need it, and how to find it.
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Are you struggling with the feeling of loneliness and isolation?  You are not alone.  So many people go through life feeling like nobody understands them.  This eBook can help you identify what is causing your lonelines and provide steps to overcome it.
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People lie for various reasons, like trying to make themselves look better in front of others or to hide a painful truth.  If you struggle with lying, there is hope and help for you!
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Mental Health

If you’ve gone through a hard time or faced trauma, your mental health could suffer. Understanding mental illness, being aware of common symptoms, and having a plan for managing on tough days will help you grow and move forward.
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Porn Addiction

Porn addiction destroys relationships, destroys your view of sex , and even rewires your brain!  You can break free from the shame and guilt that comes with using porn.  It's not easy, but you're worth the work it takes to overcome porn one day at a time.
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From natural disasters and war to abuse and accidents, the aftermath of tragic events often leaves survivors with mental and emotional issues like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  This eBook will equip you with tools to identify and overcome PTSD.
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Relationship Advice For Girls

Trying to understand the opposite sex can be one of the most frustrating things ever!  This eBook offers insights for women wanting to know what men think and why they do what they do.
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Relationship Advice For Guys

Trying to understand the opposite sex can be one of the most frustrating things ever!  This eBook offers insights for men wanting to know what women think and why they do what they do.
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Screen Addiction

Do you spend more time online than with family and friends?  This eBook will help you recognize internet or screen addiction, understand what causes it, and offer practical advice to keep it from overtaking your life.
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Self-Harm & Cutting

Self-Injury is an unhealthy way to cope with feelings of sadness, self-hate, emptiness, guilt and rage.  This eBook will help you understand the types, risks, and signs of self-harm and teach you how to manage, cope, and work to overcome this addiction.
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Many people who struggle with their self-worth can easily slip into a cycle of self-hate, characterized by destructive thoughts which often trigger self-destructive behavior.  This ebook will help you see that there is hope for overcoming these negative feelings.
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Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is any inappropriate and forceful physical, visual or verbal interaction for sexual stimulation or satisfaction.  The abuse is intentional, not accidental, and often committed by someone the victim knows or has regular contact with.
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What does it look like when your life is defined by shame? This eBook is a valuable resource that will help you find answers to your questions.
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Substance Abuse

Do you have a substance abuse problem?  Drug abuse affects almost every family in some way.  You are not alone!  There is hope and help available for overcoming substance abuse and addiction.  This eBook will help guide you as you begin your journey to freedom.
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Whether you are having suicidal thoughts or are concerned about someone you know who may be considering suicide, this eBook can help!  This eBook is interactive and includes real audio calls, stories, and videos from teens and young adults who have reached out when they were struggling with suicidal thoughts.
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Trauma happens when you go through something upsetting that changes how you live and interact with the world around you. It can be a one-time event or a long-term situation where you're mistreated, neglected, or hurt.
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Unplanned Pregnancy

If you are wondering whether or not you're pregnant, your mind is probably racing with questions.  It's common to feel confused, scared or overwhelmed.  This eBook is a valuable resource that will help you find answers to your questions.
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