Are You Considering a Divorce or Are You Already Divorced?
Approximately 50% of marriages within the United States will end in divorce. You are not alone. This is an issue that many people are facing today. The purpose of this eBook is to give guidance to those who are thinking about getting divorced, but haven’t yet made their decision. It also has help and information for those who are coping with life after a divorce, either as a husband or wife, or as a child. Simply fill out the form to receive your free eBook today.
In this eBook:
- 30-page magazine-style eBook with photos, audio.
- Especially relevant, audio calls and stories from young adults experiencing marriage problems.
- Additionally, things to consider before the final step of becoming divorced.
- Included, the six stages to recovery and survival.
- Information to help kids of divorce and real audio calls from them.
- Information list of emotions to help put words to what you are feeling.
- How to cope, move forward and how to forgive.
- A spiritual perspective to help you with comfort and hope.