Have I Lost My Salvation? EP 57

How to Know the Status of My Faith

Can a Saved Person Become Unsaved?

Have you ever been worried that you’ve failed God? Or worried that even though you accepted Christ as your savior, you aren’t saved anymore?

In this episode, we’re talking with Dylan. He’s trying to figure out salvation…if he’s still saved or if he can lose his salvation. He says he’s not been getting answers that make sense to him. We’re going to try to help him out in this podcast, as we turn to our peer-to-peer callers for advice. Let’s first go to Dylan and let him explain what his struggle is with salvation and then we will go right into feedback for Dylan from people who care.

What Does it Mean to Give Your Life to Jesus?

Dylan shares, “I’ve believed in Jesus since I was little, just because that’s how my parents were. And that’s what I grew up listening to, but I didn’t really understand what following the Lord meant, like really giving your life to Jesus. I did that about 2 years ago. In between then and now, I’ve gone through a whole bunch of stuff. And now, I’m at the tail end of a huge trial. I’ve been thinking of all these questions that deal with salvation.

God has all these parables about people who seem like they are believers who get thrown into hell, like the branch that doesn’t remind, the wicked servant. And I have questions like, how can someone be saved and then unsaved if we are saved by grace through faith?”

People Worry About Failing God

Dawson responds to Dylan, “People think they’ve lost their salvation. They worry about failing God. They worry that they’ve hurt God in so many ways. They don’t feel close to Him. And I say, yes you are. If you weren’t the full meal deal you wouldn’t be worried about it. The fact that you are concerned about this and worried about this, is a really good sign that you’re in the faith, or you wouldn’t care. Make sense? You’d say who cares about the saved and the unsaved, I’ll party until I drop. What is this worry about whether I have peace with God or whether I’m saved? Come on, it’s time to play. I’ll worry about that when I’m old. But you’re not doing that.

You may have some issues in your life that need to be dealt with, that may be causing you to question whether or not you’re saved. I see you already in the kingdom. You’re just struggling over some of this because you’re not sure. Some other stuff is happening in your life that’s clouded your life.

We’re going to go to our peer-to-peer friends now and they’re going to give you advice.”

Peer to Peer Advice for Dylan: 

We’re asking for those to give advice that has been in that place of questioning their faith. What helped you through it? What scriptures gave you clarity?

We heard from Nicole, Arianna, Tom, Damien and Jessica. Stick around because their wise counsel is right on!

When You Drift, God Pulls You Back – Nicole

I honestly only have personal experience to offer him. I just firmly believe that once you make that mental, spiritual, confession to God that you need Him and that you accept Him in your life. I think that initial confession opens a door to a relationship that can never end.

I grew up in a Christian home too, and I stayed away from my relationship with God. It’s like any relationship, you stray away from it, and then somehow life happens, then the Holy Spirit convicts me, and I come to God and come back running. It wouldn’t be called saved if you were saved from something good. You’ve been saved from something bad…from sin.

You’ve drifted from time to time, but there’s always God there to pull you back?

Yes, I don’t know how old Dylan is, but I’m in my mid-twenties so, I’m still learning. This particular year has been incredibly eye-opening for me, because I’ve learned what the word, surrender, means. I’ve learned what full dependency on God is. That really is where I realized I’m saved is when I’m fully dependent on God every single day. It’s an everyday decision to be fully dependent on Him.

You hear Christians say, “Oh, God will never give you more than you can handle.” But that’s nowhere in the Bible. God may actually give you more than you can handle, because he wants you to depend on Him to get you through whatever’s happening.

Ups and Downs Are Part of a Relationship with God – Arianna

I’ve had a lot of personal experience feeling God wasn’t there for me. At the end of the day, I tried to make other things my foundation. And God was the only thing that ever truly came through. With Dylan, I think that questioning your faith and constantly trying to learn more about it is the best sign. It makes God so happy that you’re trying to figure it rather out than just blindly following what you’re told

The Bible says, “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12) It’s not just some flip thing. It’s far more than what you feel.

It’s a journey. Your faith is a lifelong journey. It’s not something you find out one time, and then it’s going to be hunky-dory for the rest of your life. The people in the Bible were ones that struggled their whole lives. Grand things happened way later in their life to make them find out how grand God is.

If you’re constantly trying to have a relationship with him, then it’s going to be ups and downs, it’s going to have connection and disconnection – that’s all part of a healthy relationship. Dylan seeking that, encourages me a lot. It’s showing he’s striving for a tighter relationship with God. If he opens his heart to the possibility that God can take over his life in whatever means He sees fit. Then he will see a lot of changes that will happen in his life that wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t said, “Take me Lord and put you where you need me.”

I Learned to Trust in God Alone - Tom

This is actually something I struggled with for a couple of years. I thought, am I saved, am I not saved? Did I do something wrong that could potentially affect me and affect my salvation?

God’s word says, “I write these things so that you may know you have eternal life.” (1 John 5:13) What God is saying is if you’re trusting in the blood of Christ, He will give you salvation. Because God came here and did it all. If you’re trusting in your works and what you’re doing. Thinking, I’ve got to do some good stuff. I have to go out there and make sure I’m doing this, this, and this, and if I don’t do it then I don’t know…am I going to be saved or not?

If you’re trusting in your works, you’re going to be judged by your works. If you trust in Christ, that’s all you need. Just trust in Him and walk. And He will convict you throughout your life to do what is necessary for His kingdom and He will sanctify you over time. All you have to do is trust in Him alone, and He convicts you throughout your life to do what’s right, and when you’re not doing what’s right, He’s going to convict you to change.

It's not a contract – it’s not if you do this, I’m going to do this for you. If you don’t do this, then I’m not going to do this. It’s a covenant, which says, if you do this, I’m going to do this for you. If you don’t do this, I’m STILL going to do this for you. That’s what the good news of the gospel is.

Your Salvation Has Been Sealed with God - Damien

The apostle Paul said, “When I wanted to do good, evil was always present.” (Romans 7:21) Your salvation has been sealed with God. You’re going to have challenges in life. There are going to be things that try to come and get you off course, but you have to stay the course.

There are things that happened in my life, in my earlier years, going out partying, drinking. When you no longer have the desire to pursue after those things, then you know that your salvation is in God.

When you see your affections turning towards what God has, rather than what the world has to offer then you know you’re going in the right direction.

I Started Reading My Bible from Beginning to End – Jessica

I’ve been through a whole lot in my life. I was told at one point that I wasn’t going to go to the kingdom of heaven, because I lost my belief and steered away. This came from family, and I felt really down and out about what was going to happen to me, and where my life was going to go.

I just put my faith in God and knew that God can do anything in my life if I just put my trust in Him. I started to take it day by day, one day at a time. I started reading my Bible from the beginning to the end. Every single day, I woke up with a positive attitude and just tried to make it through those days. If you’ve already given your life over to God, you know you have, and you can hear God talking to you sometimes. And He will never give up on His children for anything.

If You’ve Accepted Christ as Your Savior, Then You Are Saved!

There’s probably no more important topic than the one of salvation and one’s faith. Dylan, you received some amazing counsel from our peer to peers: Nicole, Arianna, Tom, Damien, Jessica…thank you all so much! What life-giving words you all gave!
And this brings up a good point, if you are struggling with something, especially in the faith…reach out for help. Don’t struggle alone. Reach out to God, but also reach out to other believers. We are supposed to encourage each other in the faith. As it says in Hebrews 10:24 and 25: “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works…and encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

It’s why we have chat available for you to talk about what’s going on and get encouraged. Chat with us at: TheHopeLine.com/chat-live.

Nicole, I love what you said! Your initial confession to God that you need Him and accept Him as your Lord and Savior, opens a door to a relationship with God that can never end.

Arianna, you were right on when you said…if you open your heart to God and surrender then God will take over your life. What that means is not your will, but God’s will be done in your life.

There’s no better place to be than in God’s will. Which some people might say, that’s scary, if I submit totally to God’s will, I’m worried God will send me into the jungle to be a missionary or ask me to give up my relationship. If you surrender to God’s will, and He asks you to give up something then it’s for your good. If He’s asking you to give up a relationship, it’s not because the relationship is amazing and is going to make you happy for the rest of your life…it’s because it’s not right at this moment for you.
God never withholds anything good from His Children. In Psalm 84:11b, scripture says, “The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.”

Tom shared with Dylan, scripture from 1 John 5:11, “God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.”  So, if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior then you have been saved. You have eternal life through Him. You don’t have to keep worrying about your salvation. Even if you stray or lose your way, you are saved.

Damien, you reiterated this and yes, as Damien said, Dylan, your salvation was sealed with God. AMEN!
Jessica reminds us how to live out our faith, by reading scripture, listening to God’s word, living with a grateful heart, and trusting God.

Dylan you rock, man. You are searching for the truth, and God will reveal the truth to you. Thanks for being willing to be vulnerable and share your questions with us. And thank you to all of our peer-to-peer callers. You’ll be seriously off the charts…with your wisdom, and life experience and sound advice for Dylan.

Most of all a big shout out and thank you to our listeners. You are the reason we do what we do.

Salvation is Open for All

If you’ve never prayed the prayer of salvation, and you want Jesus to be your savior and want Him to be the center of your heart and life, then you can do that right now.

You just pray to God. Ask Him to forgive your sins. Then confess you believe in Him and the sacrifice of His son, Jesus Christ. And let Him know you want to live your life for Him.

Follow me in this prayer if you’re ready:

Dear Heavenly Father,
I’m sorry for the wrong things I’ve done. Please forgive me. I believe your Son died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead, and because of this I will enter into heaven when I die. Jesus, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. I willingly give you, my life. Now, Father, help me do your will. Thank you again for saving me! In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Other Related Podcast Episodes:

How to Find God – EP 32
Ronnie’s Life Changing Decision – EP 9

Resources about Salvation:

Relevant eBooks:

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One last thing,
Dawson's podcast, our website, everything we do is entirely listener supported. If you’d like to help us to continue our work, please make a gift right now on our Give Now page.

This is the Dawson McAllister Podcast, and until next time…Remember you are loved, you are valuable, and God has an amazing plan for your life. - Rachel

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For over 30 years, TheHopeLine has been helping students and young adults in crisis. Our team is made up of writers and mental health professionals who care deeply about helping others.
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