He's Being Taunted to Kill Himself: EP 43

He Feels Like He Should Just Give In

When Lane was young, his dad killed himself. Now, classmates, family, and friends make jokes about it. Lane’s been told, “Why don’t you just do it now [kill yourself] instead of waiting until your old like your dad!” Lane tries to ignore the taunts, but they do anything and everything they can to get in his head.

Lane wants to prove these people wrong, but then sometimes feels like they are right, and he should just give in.

Don’t Listen to Those Idiots

Lane, you are worth far more than you give yourself credit. These negative, stinky thinking people are trying to bring you down, but the God of the universe created you and loves you! You have tremendous worth! Don’t give in to what these cruel people are saying. Anyone who tells someone else to go kill themself is a person who does not deserve to be heard. You are beautifully and wonderfully made in God’s image. Life has so much to offer, and you have a lot of life to still live!

Peer to Peer Advice on Killing Himself

Marissa, who had thoughts of taking her own life, called in to tell Lane: DON’T DO IT! Brandon had the same message…Don’t Kill Yourself! Roxy points out that suicide passes your pain onto someone else. Brittany says, don’t prove these people right, prove them wrong by living your life and being successful! Here are their responses to Lane:

Don’t Do it! Try to Make Friends! ~Brandon

Brandon - “Don’t kill yourself! I can’t say I know your pain, because I don’t. But I’ve been picked on. I’m in high school right now and it sucks, I hate it. But try to find friends. I have very few in school anymore. Make friends, whether they are in school or out of school. I’ve thought about suicide, but I don’t support anyone who wants to do suicide. One of my friend’s wanted to and I talked her out of it.”

I’ve Been Down the Road of Wanting to Take Away My Life.  ~Marissa

Marissa - “I’m going to speak from a place of personal experience. When I was 14 years old, I went down the road of self-harm and wanting to take away my life. I was raped by my brother’s best friend, and it put me in a really deep hole. I started cutting my wrists. I kept taking pills. I was trying to take that inner pain and started doing physical pain. My family had me go to a psychiatrist and was on medication, but nothing was helping for me.

Then I decided to put my big girl panties on. I was like look, I can’t take away my life from something that happened to me and put everyone else in pain. So, I found out what my passion was, I started writing poetry, and let all my pain come out in my poetry.

Then I found my boyfriend and we’ve been together for 6 years and have a child together. If I would have taken my life away 6 years ago, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’m now a store manager.

Don’t give into what these people want, because at the end of the day, it’s not what they want, it’s what you want. Do what’s best for you. Life your life to the fullest. Get out in the world and explore things. Find out what your passion is, work on that craft and perfect it. You are going to find inner peace. Don’t let them get in your head, that’s the enemy talking. You have a beautiful girl by your side, supporting you. Think about it, if you take your life away, that’s going to cause her pain, and you don’t want that. You’re going to get through this!

Suicide Passes Your Pain Onto Someone Else. ~Roxy

Roxy – “Suicide does not end your pain; it only passes it onto someone else. Think about the loss you will be giving to your friends, your family, and that beautiful girl you have by your side, who supports you no matter what. I can know and understand what you’re going through.

I was a user of heroin and cocaine. I almost tried to end my pain and suffering. If it wouldn’t have been for my one good friend, who’s stood with me to this day, by my side, and I’m married to this person. I would not be here.

When that feeling of you wanting to end your life over what someone says about your dad, don’t listen to them. If you stop and think if your father was here today, and you were standing before him and you asked him what you should do? You shouldn’t do it and he’d tell you the same thing. Your girlfriend would be miserable without you. She deeply loves you. If your friends are making fun about your father’s suicide, they are not your friends.

I’ve watched one of my friends kill himself in front of me, and it’s not even fun. Not being able to get there quick enough, not being able to help that person, you regret it. You feel horrible about it. If you need someone to talk to, talk to somebody. Go out hiking for a walk, go visit nature, go to a farm, go do something. Broaden your mind and escape for a little bit. Don’t choose another alternative to end your pain, it’s not going to end it but just make it worse for others.”

Don’t Prove Them Right, Prove Them Wrong. ~Brittany

Brittany - “I need to speak a little bit from personal experience. I was an “oops baby.” I was not supposed to happen. All my life, my stepdad told me every day that I was going to turn out like my mom. That I was not going to get an education. That I was going to get pregnant at a young age. That I was never going to move out of the small town that I lived in.

I got the mindset that I was going to prove him wrong, which is the mindset Lane needs to have for himself. I know he said he wants to give in and prove them right. He needs to do the exact opposite. Don’t prove them right, prove them wrong. Go out and do the exact opposite of what they want you to do. Surround yourself with people who enjoy your company, who enjoy the beautiful life you have. If people are telling you to kill yourself, they are not your friends. I can’t tell you enough how much hurt you doing that would bring to people around you, whether you realize it or not.

Did Today’s Episode Get You Thinking?

Lane needs to surround himself with people who will support him and be true friends. These people who are taunting him are not his friends and what they are saying is horrible. As everyone agreed: “Lane, you are worth so much more than what these people are saying to you.” We join with you Lane, to say no to suicide.

What advice would you give Lane?

If you’ve been ridiculed or told to kill yourself from others, let us know how you handled it. Who or what helped you keep going? Do you agree with Brittany, who says instead of proving them right, prove them wrong?  Please share in the comments below!
If you are having suicidal thoughts, you are not alone, if you need immediate help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at ‘1-800-273-TALK (8255)’.

Resources for Suicide Prevention:

How to Get Help for and Understand Suicidal Thoughts
Suicide Prevention Resources
eBook: Understanding Suicide
Bible Verse About Suicidal Thoughts – Get Hope from God. Need to talk to someone? Chat with a HopeCoach at TheHopeLine.

One last thing,

My podcast, our website, everything we do is entirely listener supported. If you’d like to help us to continue our work, please make a gift right now at our Give Now page.

Remember, whatever you do, Never Lose Hope! If you or a friend need support right now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, for free confidential, 24/7 help. For a list of crisis centers around the world and additional help, please visit the suicide prevention resource page.

Dawson McAllister
Dawson McAllister, also known as America's youth pastor, was an author, radio host, speaker, and founder of TheHopeLine. McAllister attended Bethel College in Minnesota for undergraduate work where he graduated in 1968, began graduate studies at Talbot School of Theology in California, and received an honorary doctorate from Biola University.
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One comment on “He's Being Taunted to Kill Himself: EP 43”

  1. Give it to God. Satan is a liar, he will work through people to get to you. You are loved so much. Renew your mind and surround yourself with positive. Eliminate the toxic people and pray for them, pray for yourself. Build your relationship with God.. You are worthy!!!

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