Celebrating God's Work in the Lives of Young People through YOUR Prayers & Giving!
04:21 AM | Hope Coach: Hi. How may I help you, Kianna?

04:22 AM | Kianna: I’m not in crisis or anything, I just wanted to say thank you. I’m 28 now but the first time I reached out to TheHopeLine I was just a teenager. I had beautiful, caring relationships with several Hope Coaches that helped me so much when I was a struggling teen. I just want to say thank you for the work you are doing for everyone. ❤️

04:24 AM | Hope Coach:
I really appreciate you coming on tonight to tell me that. We are so honored to get to do this job! And hearing from people like you just adds fuel for our fire! Thank you so much for your kind words!

04:25 AM | Kianna: I work in a residential teen treatment center now and it’s such a rewarding job. Have a beautiful night. I don’t want to take the line up.

04:28 AM | Hope Coach:
That is amazing! Pass it on, Sister! You have a wonderful night as well. May I pray with you before you go?

04:28 AM | Kianna: Yes please ❤️

04:30 AM | Hope Coach:
Lord, thank you for Kianna and our chat time. She has encouraged my heart and will encourage so many others as well. Thank you for the work you have done in her life. Please help her to pass it on to the teenagers she sees daily. Use her, Lord, and continue all the good things you are doing in her life. Meet her needs and bless her. We love you, Jesus. Amen!
What a difference you are making! 
Thank you for bringing lasting, life-transforming hope into the lives of teens and young people like Kianna. Please give today, to see more people like her rescued and restored through our ministry together.
“Sam” reached out to TheHopeLine in despair. He was feeling alone … his good friends had suddenly deserted him, and mistakes he’d made in the past were keeping him up at night. He was overwhelmed by fear.

“I am Buddhist,” Sam shared. “In Buddhism the things I’ve done, like stealing and cheating, are unforgivable. They will lead me to hell. I am so afraid. I have lost my worth, my friends, and my hope.”

The Hope Coach was quick to respond with the encouraging Good News. “The God I believe in sent His son, Jesus, to die on the cross for you, Sam, for all of us, and for all of our sins. The same forgiveness that I’ve experienced through Jesus is available to you.”

Sam had never heard the Gospel. During their time online together, the Hope Coach carefully walked Sam through the plan of salvation, providing biblical resources from TheHopeLine to guide him along in their conversation. “God sees you, Sam,” the Hope Coach shared, “and He says you are worthy, loved, and forgiven.”

Before the chat was over, Sam prayed with the Hope Coach to give his life to Christ. “Thank you for your help,” Sam said. “I feel free! I know I am on the right path now!”

Prayerfully consider what you can do today to keep us reaching, rescuing, and restoring young people like Sam — and leading them to Jesus.
My wife, Joan, and I first connected with this ministry back in the 1990s, when our children attended Dawson McAllister’s conferences for teens. These weekend events had such a positive impact on their lives that Joan and I wanted to support Dawson’s ministry, both financially and in prayer — and have been doing so ever since.

It has been an amazing adventure for us, as the ministry has continually adapted to changing technology to reach students and young adults where they are in innovative ways. Joan and I love that the message of hope in Jesus remains the same, but the message vehicles and channels change with the times and technology. This has allowed TheHopeLine to continually expand its effectiveness and outreach more vibrantly than ever before.
It has truly been our pleasure to be a part of TheHopeLine ministry over the years!
—Ron McBryde, Cedar City, Utah
• Your year-end contribution will impact young people who are seeking hope …
• AND can yield a tax advantage for you.
• It’s a gift that keeps on giving!
Every gift dated and postmarked or given online by December 31, 2024, can apply to this year’s taxes and have eternal ministry benefits, too. Great options for year-end giving include:

1. IRA Rollover. If you’re 70.5 or older, you can give up to $105,000 from your traditional IRA without adding a penny to your taxable income — while receiving tax benefits that don’t require you to itemize your tax return! This is possible when you make the donation as a qualified charitable distribution directly from your IRA. And if you are 73 or older, this can also count toward your required minimum distribution.

2. Appreciated Assets. Receive a charitable giving deduction for the fair market value of the asset (up to 30% of your adjusted gross income), if you have owned the asset (property, rental, condo, or vacation home) for more than 12 months. You will likely avoid the capital gains tax you’d be levied on the appreciation if you sold the asset. Donating the appreciated assets directly to TheHopeLine — rather than selling and donating the proceeds — allows you to make an even greater impact.

3. Donor Advised Fund. Now is a great time to distribute grants from your DAF to TheHopeLine. These funds are already set aside for ministry and your select charities, so you can give freely without touching your ready capital.

Contact Mark Gries at mgries@thehopeline.com or at (605) 366-3951 for more information.
TheHopeLine is the #1 24-hour, 7 days a week, Christian crisis chatline for young people — and through it, you are making a real difference at this moment of unprecedented need in our country and our world.

Please partner with us today to keep giving struggling students and young adults hope and Jesus — the only solution to every heartache they face.

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