How Do I Improve My Reputation?

Improving Your Reputation

Improving your reputation is a difficult process, but it’s not impossible. Building a good reputation comes down to acting honorably. When you make the right choices for the right reasons, your reputation will improve. But it doesn’t happen overnight.

Building a solid reputation means deciding to make good choices day in and day out and doing the best you can to bounce back after a setback. It’s hard work, and there’s nothing wrong with seeking support. 

Life’s hardships, and the choices we make, sometimes affect how others see us and how well we are able to connect with people. I know it hurts to feel like you have a bad reputation. But I hope you feel encouraged that there are things you can do.

You are not powerless, and you’re not alone. With dedication and support, you can rebuild a good reputation over time.

I’ve noticed that the path to a better reputation is a combination of choices and changes that work together to improve our relationships.

Here are some things that may help you along the way.

Making New Friends

The burden of changing your reputation is often tied to the feeling that people in your life see you in terms of your poor choices or struggles. And you may need to distance yourself from people in your life with whom you find yourself making choices you regret later. Making new friends can give you a fresh start, which can keep you energized and uplifted as you work to rebuild your reputation.

You can try reaching out to a classmate, someone in your faith community, or an acquaintance you’ve never really gotten to know. They can get to know you s the person you are trying to become and can support you as you grow.

Changing Your Environment

Just as your reputation is formed over time, it is changed over time by developing healthier habits. Your environment is a great place to start. Often the places you spend time influence your choices, and not all of them have a good impact. Are you spending time in places that will continue to harm your reputation? If so, it’s time for a change of scenery. Instead of a bar, club, or house party, spend time outdoors, at a library, or at a museum. Instead of going out every night, find a craft, hobby, or game you can play at home or with friends. 


In the age of social media, we’ve given more people than ever more ways than ever to immediately weigh in on our opinions, our life choices, and our image. Taking a break from social media or limiting the social media platforms you use is not only calming, but it can also help you keep a clear head as you’re working on building a better reputation.

Unplugging can also give you more time and space to center yourself spiritually in prayer and meditation and reconnect to your faith. In times when I’m struggling with my self-esteem while working on my reputation, going offline for a while gives me a chance to remind myself how God sees me. We are all loved, and we can all receive grace and forgiveness, no matter what we did in the past. 

Getting Advice

Taking these steps can definitely improve your reputation for the better. But because the reasons for poor reputation are often tied to our decisions, there are likely other steps you need to take that are specific to you.

Getting advice from someone who is trained to help, like a therapist or counselor, will help you have a plan, as well as someone you can trust who holds you accountable.

If you’re not sure where to start, TheHopeLine is here to assist with mentoring and resources for life’s challenges. Talk to a HopeCoach about your reputation and learn how you can work on turning things around. We are here for you and ready to listen.

It can feel hard to navigate life if you feel like people don't respect you. Read my blog to find out how to respond to people who disrespect you. 

Dawson McAllister
Dawson McAllister, also known as America's youth pastor, was an author, radio host, speaker, and founder of TheHopeLine. McAllister attended Bethel College in Minnesota for undergraduate work where he graduated in 1968, began graduate studies at Talbot School of Theology in California, and received an honorary doctorate from Biola University.
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