If you know someone who has thought about ending their life by suicide, you realize how hard it is to know what to say or do about it. Do you need support to help a suicidal friend?
Are they just joking? Do they just want attention? Or is something serious going on? The truth is, most suicidal individuals give definite warnings of their suicidal intentions, but people around them are either unaware of the significance of those warnings or don't know how to respond to them.
Kendra said she has thought about killing herself many times: If I don't have anyone to talk to once in a while, to get my feelings out, I get really sad, because I feel like no one cares about me. I think about what would people think if I was dead, or would they be happier without me? I'd hate to think Kendra, or someone like her would kill herself because she feels no one ever showed her they cared. Perhaps you have a friend like Kendra who has said some things to you that sounded like she or he might be deeply depressed, or even suicidal. It's very important to recognize those signs.
Most suicidal individuals give definite signs of suicidal thoughts and intentions.
Make sure you take any threat of suicide seriously.
How to Help a Suicidal Friend
What Are Classified As Suicidal Thoughts?
When someone you know is struggling, it’s really hard to know how to help. A good place to start is simply educating yourself about the signs and symptoms of certain mental health issues and knowing what resources are available to someone in need.
Here are some of the signs to watch for. A suicidal friend may:
- Have mood swings.
- Talk more frequently about death or says things like “You’d be better off without me”.
- Withdraw from friends and family, or isolates more than usual.
- Engage in risky behaviors like unsafe sex, substance abuse, and self-harm.
- Experience drastic changes in behavior.
- Lose interest in hobbies, work, school, etc.
- Give away prized possessions.
- Lose interest in their appearance.
- Express a deep sense of hopelessness.
- Project a deep sense of serenity, or being at peace.
- Complain about being a bad person or feeling rotten inside.
- Have recently experienced a traumatic event like a breakup, death of a loved one, terminal illness diagnosis, etc.
If you have noticed things like this, or if someone has confessed to you that they are feeling depressed, here are some examples of what a suicidal person might say:
- “I want to die.” or “I wish I were dead.”
- "If I killed myself, then people would be sorry."
- “I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.”
- “I wanted to say goodbye.”
- “When I’m gone, you can have my ___.”
- “If I was ever going to commit suicide, I’d do it by ____.”
- "If I wasn’t around, no one would miss me."
- "All of my problems will end soon."
- "I won’t be a problem for you much longer."
- "Nothing matters; it’s no use."
- "I won’t see you again."
If any of this sounds familiar, it may be time to encourage them to seek help. If they need support, you can help them reach out to a Hope Coach or call 988. If you suspect they’re in immediate danger, though, call 911.
It’s important to remember, too, that some people who attempt suicide display absolutely no signs or symptoms beforehand. You simply never know how a person is really feeling, so it’s a good idea to get in the habit of checking in on your friends and family often, not just when you think something might be wrong.
So, what can you do to help someone who has suicidal thoughts?
- Get involved. Be available. Show interest and support.
- Don't be afraid to talk to them about suicide. Talking about it does not make it worse, but better. Be direct. Talk openly and freely about suicide.
- Be willing to listen without judgment. Ask, "Tell me what you are feeling?"
- Assure them that you understand that what they are feeling is very real to them, but that they are NOT alone.
- Let them know you aren't going to abandon them.
- If they haven't brought it up, but you are concerned they are thinking about suicide, ask them directly. Here's an example of how, "Sometimes when people feel the way you are describing they have thoughts of suicide. Is this true with you?" If they are, this gives them permission to talk about it and actually brings relief because someone else brought it up. If they aren't, they will rush to assure you they aren't.
- Ask if they have a plan. If so, take them seriously and move quickly to get help. Remove anything that would help them carry out their plan guns, drugs, alcohol, knives, etc.
- Offer hope that alternatives are available.
- Provide them with a list of suicide prevention resources.
- Help them create a Suicide Safety Plan by answering these 7 questions below. They can type the answers in their phone or write them down somewhere they can easily access:
- What are the warning signs that occur before your thoughts turn to suicide? (thoughts, images, situation)
- List two or three people you will ask for help when you are feeling this way. How will you contact them?
- What are a few things you can do to take your mind off of your problems? (Physical Activity, Relaxation Techniques, etc.)
- What settings provide a distraction for you?
- Crisis Lines you agree to contact in addition to TheHopeLine if necessary. (911, 988, therapist emergency #, etc.)
- What can you do to make your environment safe? (Stop drinking, remove weapon, pills, tools, etc.)
- One thing that is most important to you and worth living for is:
Things to Avoid Saying/Doing to Someone Talking About Suicide.
- "I think you're just bluffing. I don't believe you."
- Don't act shocked.
- "You're not serious. You're just looking for attention?"
- It is not helpful to just rattle off a list of reasons to live without first listening to what they are feeling.
- Don't dismiss what they are feeling. It is very real to them.
- Don't be sworn to secrecy. Get support.
Nicole said her sister saved her when she felt suicidal: Because of her, I am still here. If you know anyone who you may think have depression or suicidal thoughts, ask him or her if everything is okay and comfort them.
The Most Important Thing You Can Do
It is not so much about WHAT you say. The most important thing you can do is reassure your friend that you love them.
That's what happened when Heather was feeling suicidal: I told [my friend] what was going on and he just kept telling me that he cared that it wasn't the right thing for me, that I had so much more to do with my life. But the thing that helped me was that he said he loved me. I had felt so alone, and no one had told me that in a while not even my mom. Remind your friend that no matter how awful their problems seem, they can be worked out, and you are willing to help.
Please make sure you take any threat seriously from a suicidal friend. Of all the people who have died by suicide, 80% have given some kind of warning. A person who you feel is at high risk for suicide should never be left alone, if even for a moment. Keep talking to that person and stay with him or her. Don’t feel like you have to handle this on your own.
If you or a friend need support right now, please visit the suicide prevention resource page. Head here for a list of crisis centers around the world.
Most times a suicidal person needs someone close to them to be a voice of hope. Amberly agrees: Sometimes all you need is to be loved and know someone is there to catch you when you are about to fall. You could very well be that voice of hope to someone you love. Your efforts might just save someone's life.
It will be helpful to add that if you sense a person is suicidal that you not only remove objects such as guns, knives, medications, etc but also their car keys. Many time a person who feels deeply suicidal will threaten and act upon using their vehicle as a mechanism to end their life via using it to hurt/kill themselves but even worse... others.
My best friend has told me she has self harmed, and that she has thought about suicide before and I’m so worried for her. She has anxiety and might be depressed, or I think she told me she has depressive traits. She has told her mum, so her mum is trying to help her, but I still want to help. Today in school she was jokingly saying that she wanted to die, and I knew she wasn’t joking so I said that I don’t want her to die, but I don’t know what else to say and I don’t want to say the wrong thing. And I’m so scared that she will, it terrifies me.
Sophie, Thank you for your heart to help your friend. Here are some resources that you can give her for self harm. You can also reach out and talk to them too about your friend. We are here to listen and help too. Our partner that specifically helps with self harm can be reached through
texting them at at 1-803-570-2061 (Alternative No. 914-393-1904) Texting is available Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 – 10:30 EST. Their website is http://www.doorofhope4teens.org. You can email them to doorofhope4teens@gmail.com (answered in 24/48 hrs)
If you are worried your friend is suicidal please call #911 and call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1.800.273.8255 Or Chat with them at https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/ Or Crisis Text Line 27/7 by texting “Start” to 741-741
Here is a list of additional suicide prevention resources https://www.thehopeline.com/suicide-prevention-resources.
I have an online friend who continually tells me they are taking their life "soon", "in 10 days or so", "My end is near", etc etc. I've been hearing this for years. What do you say when you've already said it all?
I have a friend who cut me out of his life after I asked him if he had thought about suicide. He has been incredibly depressed and had been coming to me several times a week so he wouldn't have to be alone. His girlfriend had said he was "hopeless" and withdrawing so I asked him if he had been having thoughts about harming himself or suicide. He didn't say anything just left and won't take my calls/texts/messages. I'm not sure what to do, but I would love information that I could send to him. Is there a place that would call him and reach out? Maybe if it's a third party he won't feel like he's letting everyone down. He hates the idea of being embarrassed or being weak in front of most people he knows. I'm open to anything guys - thanks in advance for the help.
Michelle, It's good he has a friend, like you, that is really listening and cares. We have HopeCoaches available every night at 7 pm Central that would chat online with him if you want to give him that information. Just give him https://www.thehopeline.com/gethelp. You are welcome to chat with a HopeCoach too. The burden that you feel for him is probably overwhelming to you.
Also, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline has some resources on how to help a friend. You can also call them at 1.800.273.8255 or chat online with them at https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/ to ask them what you should do to help him. You can reach the Crisis Text Line 24/7 by texting “START” to 741-741 too. This is all good information to give your friend too.
Here is a list of additional suicide prevention resources https://www.thehopeline.com/suicide-prevention-resources.
My friend Brooklyn has been talking about cutting herself and killing her self because of friends and family...etc! I really don’t want this to happen if you could help it would be really great
I have a friend going through a similar situation. I just found out last night but the signs where always there, I was just so blind. her family situation is getting worse and worse and so is her relationships with friends. And honestly, the best advice there is is to always be there for her, always support her always want to hangout with her only to be there for her and NEVER stop saying how much you love her.