In my blog How to Stop Lying I listed eight things you can do to help break the bad habit of lying.
But I don’t just want to give you tips on how to stop lying. I want to motivate you by giving you two very important reasons WHY you should stop.
Top Two Reasons You Should Stop Lying
First of all, NOBODY wants to be friends with a liar because liars can’t be trusted, and they hurt other people with their lies…often in order to protect themselves. If you desire any REAL relationships in your life, you need to be trustworthy.
Second, liars will eventually get caught, and deservedly so. Lying is a destructive force and it will catch up to you.
In fact, I want to use the rest of this blog to help protect people from liars. Below is a list of a number of signals to watch for if you think someone may be lying. It’s not going to be completely possible to know every time someone lies, but there are definite signs that should send up a red flag.
Ericka told me about some of the pain caused by the lying of her ex-husband: I have two young children (3 & 1) and just left their father because he was addicted to gambling. I always thought that cheating would be the worst, but I soon discovered that along with gambling came lie after lie. Our relationship was never going to improve without trust. Discovering his lying earlier could possibly have saved Ericka and her children some needless pain. Would that be possible? I believe it is possible by figuring out how to know if someone is lying.
Lying is a stressful behavior, and it causes people to act differently when they lie.
We’ve all seen people take lie detector tests on TV or in the movies. It is an effective instrument, not because it can tell right from wrong, but because it can reveal when a person’s body is reacting in a stressful manner. Because lying is so wrong, it can cause stressful behavior, showing signs we can detect through body language.
It is important to learn to read body language. How does a person act in normal circumstances? Notice normal eye, hand and body movements, and facial expressions during regular conversation. Then you will better notice when the body language changes…showing the stress of lying.
One of the easiest and best ways to tell if someone is lying is by looking into their eyes. Most people who are lying have a difficult time holding eye contact with the person they’re lying to. Jenna agrees: It is hard to tell when people are lying to you. But in my case, I found that when someone is lying, they don’t give you eye contact.
8 More Signs Someone May Be Lying to You:
How to Catch a Liar:
- A lying person may become tense and freeze up while telling the lie. Others may move their body way more than normal.
- A lying person may appear uncomfortable fast eye blinking, scratching, itching, swallowing hard, fidgeting, etc.
- A lying person may look up and to the right.
- A lying person may touch their nose or cover up their face or mouth.
- A lying person may often raise the pitch or speed of their voice.
- A lying person may present a wide-eyed, innocent look.
- A lying person may create noticeable pauses in the conversation as they are trying to come up with something to say that fits the lie they are creating.
- A lying person often tells a different version of their original lie the second time around.
You’re not always going to be able to discover if a person is lying to you, but usually if it feels like a lie, it almost always is.
My desire is to help both those who lie and those who have been lied to. I care for you equally. So, it is my hope that if you are in the habit of lying you will stop and think twice. Know that your lies will ruin friendships and you will eventually get caught. And if you believe you are being lied to, trust your gut and confront the person you believe is being dishonest. It will be best for both of you in the long run.
I have lied to my wife so much she doesent believe me when I tell her the truth. It is so bad because I love her very much she is a wonderful person. She deserves better .there is nothing I can do now she wants to divorce and even if I stop lying to her she won't believe me. Once trust is broken it is so difficult to regain. Please don't do what I did and lose the best thing in your life by lying.
We are all born flawed.. And when we can admit to having a lying problem and seek other's help I feel like people are capable of change. For me, it takes more effort to tell the truth than to be honest. I've hurt the man I love more than life itself, my future husband, my soul mate. And it is past the point of forgiveness. So I made a vow to myself that from today on out I will MAKE MYSELF tell the truth. Even when it hurts. Even when it is damaging to myself and hurts my self pride. "White lies" have taken over my life, but I'm taking my life back.
Hello ashlyn can we talk further about this in private?
I'm a horrible person. I lie all the time. I don't know why....but I can't help it. For example, I told my friends that I was bysexual. I don't know why. I just thought that I needed atenntion. I've lied to all my friends. I told them that I have anger issues. I feel so stupid. All my kids then back on me though. My older brother knows I lie and he tells me "So someone told me you said this" And I'm even more stupid I'll say "No I didn't say that" or " You or the person that told you probably heard me wrong " In tired of lying. I hate myself for it.
Even Christians have struggles. Check out this testimony on TheHopeLine youtube channel - And remember HopeCoaches are always available for chat 24/7 We care about you!
I preach and I'm a liar. I feel terrible.... Later I am going to get on my knees before God. I can't change the consequences, but I pray for the courage to face them. I hope this would be the turning point for me....