Drug User and Lost Hope in My Life

My Addiction Story

My name is Joshua and this is my story:

I talked to a Hope Coach a few years ago and I just wanted to thank you so much! The Hope Coach helped me change my life. It was about 3 years ago and I just wanted to give an update.

I was a drug user and had lost hope in my life.

I didn't know what to do about my drug issue and my girlfriend, at the time, was cheating on me and so I chatted with a Hope Coach. Now, I have been sober for 1 year and 3 months and I am a full-time student in a bible college.

I'm single and I am so happy with my life. I didn't finish high school but I'm getting my GED. I'm also helping in my church's youth as a leader and I'm going to help kids that have been where I was.

When I talked to the Hope Coach, they helped me change my life - instead of losing my life in prison and ending up dead. Now, I'm helping people with their everyday problems. Just to see the joy they get, makes my heart feel so good! Thank you for helping me! -Joshua

For help with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind find a Celebrate Recovery group near you.

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One comment on “Drug User and Lost Hope in My Life”

  1. Hey I don't know what to do anymore in my life I'm 17 and I started cutting since the age of 14 and I haven't stopped since I've cut my left arm 28 times and my leg 15 times I drink every single day and I don't know what to do anymore I feel like there's no hope for someone like me, I've tried to commit suicide several times but it fails everytime and since the age of 14 I've tried everything over and over again and I don't know what to do anymore

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