While cheating most often refers to one person in the relationship having sex with someone outside the marriage or partnership, it’s possible to feel cheated on even if you and your boyfriend or girlfriend have never had sex. Violations of trust and boundaries, is what makes people feel cheated and hurt.
In addition to sexual infidelity, if the person you’re dating has:
• Kissed another person
• Touched someone else intimately
• Sent flirtatious or sexually suggestive pictures or messages via text, email or social media
• Become addicted to pornography or masturbation (and does those things instead of sharing time or affection with you)
• Lied in order to spend time with another person
Cheating is a betrayal. After all, you promised each other your faithfulness, and that promise was broken in a deceitful and hurtful way. But what do you do? How do you pick up the pieces after cheating has broken your heart and hurt or destroyed relationship?