
How To Stop Pornography Addiction & Recovery Support

Pornography addiction is an increasingly serious issue as porn has become more readily available through the internet. It is estimated that there are over 24 million pornography websites. 

Statistics show that 40 Million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites…both men and women. And tragically the average age that a child is exposed to internet porn is 11 years old. So if you are struggling with this addiction, you are not alone. However, the negative effects of pornography on individuals, relationships and society are significant.

If you are struggling with a porn addiction, you may feel shame and isolation. Your relationships may be strained as intimacy and love with a real person no longer satisfies. You could be experiencing an unhealthy cycle of stress as your thoughts are consumed with porn. But breaking free from porn addiction is possible with resources and support from TheHopeLine. The first step is to understand the signs of porn addiction, its negative effects, and what you can do to break free.
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What is pornography?

Pornography is printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual activity. Pornographic material is most often accessed on the internet, but it can be found in any media format (books, movies, video games, etc.). Pornography is specifically intended to stimulate sexual arousal and erotic feelings.

It is important to note that pornography has harmful effects on culture as well as the individual. It normalizes sexual objectification, fuels sex trafficking, and can lead to sexual violence. It can impact virtually every area of your life.


Addiction to pornography, can cause both men and women to develop a sexual dysfunction….often leading to lack of pleasure with a real person. Research indicates that porn consumers can become desensitized to porn, often needing to consume more porn and more extreme forms of porn often to get the same response they once did. You may also notice changes in your sleep patterns.


Pornography addiction most often has a destructive effect on personal relationships, especially with a partner, leading to an overall sense of emotional tension. If you've been hiding your addiction, then you may be carrying a heavy burden of shame. This can lead to feelings of anger and frustration with the way you view life in general.


Your soul is a large part of what helps you make genuine connections to people in your life. It’s why the term “soul-mate” is often used. Porn addiction makes it difficult for you to feel a genuine sense of connection with other people as images of people on a screen become more important. Pornography conditions the mind to operate on instant gratification which makes developing meaningful relationships more difficult since it takes times and effort to form actual connections.

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Check out these stories of hope from others who have struggled with this issue.

How Do I Know if I Have a Porn Addiction?

Like other addictions, if you feel enslaved to the behavior or habit of watching porn you are addicted. Here are common signs of pornography addiction to be aware of:

You Can’t Stop Using: You are unable to go a day without viewing pornographic material.

You Are Losing Money: Because porn costs money, porn addiction may be putting you in debt.

You Always Want More: Even if you use every day, it never feels like enough. You always feel like you have to use more in order to maintain arousal and satisfaction.

You Look at Porn in Inappropriate Places: You are watching at work or public settings like libraries, coffee shops, etc. because you can’t wait.

You Need to Consume More Extreme Forms: You have become desensitized and now need more extreme forms to feel anything?

You Have Lost Sexual Interest/Attraction: Due to the “fantasy” nature of pornographic content and the unrealistic expectations it sets, people addicted to pornography often lose interest in actual physical intimacy with their spouse. They may even lose attraction to their partner. This loss of interest may also be due to ongoing masturbation, which frequently accompanies pornography use.

If you find that viewing porn is causing you to lash out at others who are concerned about your using, or that you are hiding your use from people you care about, it’s time to admit that porn is harming your relationships and to get some help.
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What Do I Do About Porn Addiction?

First things first. Don’t give into shame and isolation and continue to hide the pain that pornography use is causing you. Reach out and get help from people who understand your struggles and who can give you the accountability and encouragement to overcome.

While opening up about addiction is never easy, it is key to recovery and healing. It curbs the feelings of isolation and shame that so often trigger relapses into addictive behavior. There are also people all over the world who are passionate about compassionate addiction support, and they can pray for you as you work to overcome your addiction to porn use.

Addiction does not mean you are a “bad person” or that you not worthy of care and support. You can restore your relationships and find peace of mind – and you have lots of options for getting help. Along with in-person support groups and online communities, TheHopeLine offers email mentorship and live chat to help you stop using pornography and recover from porn addiction.


Having accountability is very important when struggling with a porn addiction. It may feel intimidating to share your struggle with a trusted individual like a pastor, priest, or spiritual mentor, but they will not be shocked or surprised. Porn addiction is not uncommon. You will not be the first person to come to them with this issue. They can help point you to the true source of strength to break free from this addiction…God. There are many Bible verses about the strength God provides when we are weak. Like this one in Psalm 73:26 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Or this one from 1 Corinthians 10:13 - No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

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