Gretchen Lawson: Sometimes when we're having these thoughts and feelings, we can feel like there's no one to talk to. No one will want to listen to us. No one will understand. I want to encourage you. There is always someone that will listen to you. There are hope coaches that you can chat with. There are hotlines that you can call, like the suicide hotline, where someone is available 24 hours a day to talk with you, to listen to you, to remind you that you matter, and you are valuable.
For more answers to your questions on suicide, watch these videos:
Suicide – How come some days are good but some are awful?
Suicide – How do I know if someone I love is suicidal?
Suicide – How do I stop my strong, suicidal urge?
Suicide – I want to commit suicide
Suicide – What are some early signs of suicidal thoughts?
Suicide – Who do I talk to about my suicidal feelings?
Suicide – Why do I feel suicidal?
Are you feeling depressed? Need someone to talk to? TheHopeLine offers free confidential live chat with a HopeCoach to help you with what is going on in your life. We are here to listen and support you without judgment.
If you or a friend need support right now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, for free confidential, 24/7 help. Head here for a list of crisis centers around the world. For additional help, please visit the suicide prevention resource page.