Spiritual Health: How to Connect With God


What does it mean to “connect” with God? How can we even do that? I used to think God was too big and busy to be worried about me. I later learned that is the exact opposite of the truth.

So, if it’s true God wants to have a personal relationship with us, and we receive Him into our life, how exactly do we “connect” with Him?

Well, I’m going to give you one of several different ways to be able to connect with God!

God doesn’t complicate things; He just wants to be with us. It’s us that complicates things!

Spend Time Like We Would a Friend

It’s important for us as believers to connect and spend time with God like we would a friend, we can’t have an opinion about God unless we actually know Him and His character. Think of it this way, when you’re younger sometimes friends will spread rumors about you that aren’t true, and you find out about them and are confused because what is being said about you behind your back is nothing that matches your character or actions. It’s so heartbreaking when that happens, isn’t it?! In the same way, when we have all of these opinions and thoughts about God without ever really spending time with Him, what we think about Him probably isn’t very accurate and therefore breaks His heart too.

A Simple Tool 

Spending time with God helps us to understand and see His character and nature more!

Find 15-20 minutes, silence out all the noise, grab your bible and a pen and you can use this simple model of connecting with God.

Use the first few minutes or so to begin thinking of the things in your life that you’re thankful for, the things God has blessed you with. You can begin writing them down, write down as many as you’d like and really deeply thank God for these things! (I like to listen to worship music by Bethel or Hillsong while doing this)

Take a moment and invite the Holy Spirit's presence in your room!

Pick a verse or passage in scripture to meditate on. 

After that, choose a passage of scripture to read and meditate on. I usually recommend Psalm 23, or Psalm 91, or Psalm 139! Read over it several times, stop anywhere you feel is really sticking out to you!

God Wants to Speak to You 

Use your journal to write down your thoughts on it and how you feel it applies to where you’re at in your life right now!

God's not afraid of your mess! Just come to him as you are! 

We have to remember God loves us; He is on our side. He isn’t ashamed of us no matter what we’ve done, and He isn’t disappointed in us. The moment we ask for His forgiveness, He meets us with love the moment we do!

For more visit, The Rooted Fruit, on YouTube. A journey to being healthy in spirit, mind and body. 

Do you have a different that way you like to connect with God? Let us know in the comments below. 

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