Gretchen Lawson: So, one of the first steps of forgiveness is to actually talk about what has happened, to have space and time to feel the pain about what has happened. Another step toward forgiveness is to think about times that you have been forgiven. Another step is to write down the person's name and what has happened and make a prayer or a statement that you will choose to let go of the pain and the emotions around that person and the event that has occurred. These steps are really hard to do on your own. I encourage you to reach out to someone, a hope coach, a counselor, someone that can walk through those steps with you, that it can encourage you, that can guide you. Forgiveness is a very hard process, but you can do it.
For more answers to your questions on forgiveness, watch these videos:
How do I forgive if they haven’t said I’m sorry?
How would you define forgiveness?
What if I feel like the offense is unforgivable?
Need someone to talk to about forgiveness? TheHopeLine offers free confidential live chat with a Hope Coach to help you with forgiving someone. We are here to listen and support you without judgment.