It is heartbreaking to hear your stories of abuse on my radio show. I'm continually faced with how cruel so many people can be to each other. Perhaps you have suffered tragic abuse at the hands of someone you thought you could trust. This is not how it's supposed to be. But even though we live in a world where abuse runs rampant, there is still reason to find hope and keep pressing forward with your life. I want to help you do that. I've blogged about physical and sexual abuse, now I want to explore perhaps the most common abuse of all verbal/emotional abuse.
What is Verbal/Emotional Abuse?
Justin described it like this: My father has always been very verbally abusive to my brother and me for as far back as I can remember. He'd tell us that we would never amount to anything, and would never be a real man like himself -- some 'real man' huh?
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. This old saying could not be farther from the truth. Verbal/emotional abuse happens when yelling and anger go too far or when someone constantly criticizes, threatens, or dismisses you until your self-esteem and feelings of self-worth are damaged. It also includes being around constant family conflict.
Signs of Emotional Abuse
Here are some examples of verbal/emotional abuse:
- Constant belittling, shaming, and humiliating
- Calling names and making negative comparisons to others
- Constantly telling someone he or she is "no good," "worthless," "bad," or "a mistake"
- Yelling, threatening, or bullying
- Ignoring or rejecting someone, giving him or her the silent treatment
- Witnessing acts that cause a feeling of helplessness and horror, such as domestic violence or watching another sibling or pet be abused
Damaging Effects of Verbal Abuse
This kind of abuse may seem invisible. But the effects can be extremely damaging and may even leave deeper lifelong psychological scars than physical or sexual abuse.
Kent shared: My mom tells me that she doesn't want me, and that she doesn't love me. And that's not right. I thought a mother can love her child forever, maybe she does and just gets sick of dealing with my daily problems/concerns. Kent is feeling deep pain he never should have to feel. No child, teenager, or young adult should be responsible for the emotional well-being of his/her parent.
Jenn described her abusive home life: My mom has this strange way of doing things and she abuses in the way of controlling me to the point that I feel if I don't, please her I feel like my heart breaks because I'm breaking hers. She controls me in the way she guilts me into everything -- going to the store, being with my boyfriend, hanging out with friends -- she feels if I'm not spending time with her or doing what she wants me to, she feels empty. And then I feel horrible, which is why I got into cutting. She controlled me in the way that I could not say ANYTHING to anyone about problems within our family -- nothing could go outside of our house. I feel so trapped in my own home.
Can Verbal Abuse Turn Physical?
Verbal abuse doesn’t always turn into physical abuse, but there is a chance that it could happen. The likelihood of verbal abuse escalating to physical abuse is greater if:
- The abuser has a history of physical abuse
- They excessively drink alcohol or have substance abuse issues
- If the abuser is unable to maintain a positive emotional tie to someone while they are angry, frustrated, or disappointed.
- How much their moods and behavior have changed overtime?
It's Not Your Fault!
You've heard me say this before, but you must realize it is not your fault you are being treated the way you are. You don't have to carry around guilt and shame for something you haven't done. You've only been in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person and absorbed the wounds of someone else's dysfunction and illness.
Cera shared her thoughts on being emotionally abused: I often think this is the type of abuse that is the hardest to identify. I always thought my feelings of never being good enough were because I was a horrible daughter, and I didn't deserve to be treated well. I often hid my feelings and did things perfect or didn't do them at all. When I am put in a situation, I think I may not be perfect at, I began to fear what everyone is going to say and think. I am beginning to realize I am not perfect, but that's okay because nobody is.
The part you can play when abused is to choose how you're going to respond to it. You can let it turn you into a miserable, depressed person. Or you can allow the pain and hardship you've experienced turn you into a compassionate, caring person who can help other people going through their own difficulties.
Jodi wrote with some words of encouragement: I have pretty much been through a mentally abusive time with my family the past four months -- my parents are in the process of a divorce. I live with my mom and my dad doesn't talk to me. All I can say is take it day by day and always know that there are people that care about you and that can help you any way that you need it. Count on your friends to be there for you. Jodi gave some good advice. There is HOPE to get through and move forward in a healthy way.
How to Recover From Emotional Abuse
Stay Safe - Get Help
If you determine you are living in a verbally/emotionally abusive situation, it's important that you tell someone. You deserve to be safe. Find someone you can trust to talk about what's going on at home. It will help you get perspective on your situation, and help you decide what actions you need to take to protect yourself. You can always chat with us here at TheHopeLine. If you are in immediate danger, contact the police (911) as soon as possible. You can also call the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at: 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453).
Please continue sending me your stories in the comments below, it's extremely helpful to others to know they are not alone and to hear your perspective.
If you have been verbally and emotionally abused, your self-esteem may have suffered. To start building it back, check out TheHopeLine’s eBook on self-worth for practical advice about things you can do to increase your self-esteem.
You are really going through a lot! If you want someone to talk to about this, please chat with a HopeCoach. We are here for you 24/7
I am so sorry your mom is treating you this way. It does sound like verbal abuse. You can chat with a HOpeCoach to talk about how to deal with your situation and to have someone who will listen and understand. We are here for you 24/7 - chats are free and totally private.
Hi I'm 16, from the USA. My dad yells at my younger brothers and sister a lot. He gets mad at everything they do. Now they think that I'm his favourite child since he doesn't yell at me. I hate hearing him call my siblings pigs and disgusting and all the sweats he can think of. I literally cry after he had his little fits. He pressures my brothers about their appearance and tells my sister she is too fat. Yes they do cause quite a bit of trouble but they are only 12, 14, and 15. They are still young so if course they are going to cause trouble. I tried talking to my dad about the way he acts but he believes he is strongmy in the right. He can't stand me now since I have confronted him. He also blames us for stealing things that he misplaced and instead of looking for it, he quickly jumps to the conclusion that we have swiped it from him. I really love my dad but I don't want to be in this situation. I'm at a breaking point. I don't leave my room anymore. Most of the day I hide out in my room solely to be away from my dad. Lately he is getting mad about my grades because he expects the B's on my report card to be A'a bit that is not going to be possible. I'm sorry dad that I'm terrible in that subject. I stopped going to my counseling classes because my dad was making me look like the bad guy. He never says a single word about how he acts. He blames my siblings behaviour on my mom (who he is divorced from and is now remarried). He says she is telling them things and making them believe things that aren't true. I have never seen her do that. I have never heard her say anything really bad about my dad. She's just trying to move one with her life and wishes him the best as well. I'm so tired of all this. I used to self-harm to try to escape it but when my dad threatened to lock me away in a loony bin I stopped. My little sister soon followed what I did and my dad has put her into almost 4 different mental facilities. When I think to hard about what's going on it makes me panic and get depressed. I don't know what to do. I feel trapped. I'm physically hurting when he puts down on my siblings.
My mom calls me names some times hits me and when i come home after a long day of being picked on at school she tells me its my fault. She says that i should go to the gym with her to burn off all that fat i have she calls me a pig and a fatass due to me not being strong enough to pick up a heavy box. Just now she told me to go through my fathers stuff and when i refused she yell at me and called me names. She told me to go up stairs and kill my self
Hi, first some backstory I am a 25 yo college student majoring in Electrical Engineering in Puerto Rico (if you look into social statistics you'll find its a pretty messed up place to live in as is). I was born with ADHD & Essential Tremors Disorder, because of this I had no friends, I was bullied from the moment i set foot in school Pre-K till pretty much 12th grade & was also sexually molested on many occasions. My house wasn't really a relief from this since my mom suffers from depression ever since i can remember and used to threaten to take her own life when i was a kid every time something did not go exactly as she wanted it to, this led me to depression too. When I was 10 yo my stepdad came into my life, he's always told me I will never amount to anything and used to call me useless everyday for different reasons & some times even told me I was the main reason, him & my mom had so many issues. I only saw my biological father on the weekends, he made sure to boost my self esteem saying how smart i was & every time he picked me up, telling me i meant the world to him. Since my stepdad spent most of the day at home not doing anything, the negative messages he gave me, mixed with the issues at school I had to deal with for weeks always overpowered my dad's 2 days of kind words, this kept me depressed, my dad was all that kept me going & kept me from taking my own life. I pushed & pushed until finally graduated high school & got accepted into the best university for engineering in PR in 2008. But because of a severe depression I fell into 5 years ago my gpa went from 3.65 to 2.8 & I keep failing classes, since Electrical engineering ADHD, Tremors & depression aren't really a great combination, so my stepdad's continued input of "you're not smart enough", "you'll never make it", "that university is only for smart people" has finally gotten to me... Right now, I don't feel like I'm capable, I feel my stepdad's always been right I'm just a weird guy who shakes a lot and can't focus if my life depended on it, I'm not meant to be anything in life I think my stepdad's words finally proved stronger than my dad's. I no longer feel like i want to keep pushing, I'm tired & part of me really just feels like giving up. Can anyone help me?